Recent content by Adam Wrangler

  1. Adam Wrangler

    [Poll] Transition to Cash as Item

    Considering how much inventory management I and others already have to do, and I know im not alone in carrying between 1k-20k+ on me at any given time, this just feels like more of a headache. Though checking someone's cash in a robbery would be a nice option, I know at least for myself I don't...
  2. Adam Wrangler

    Still my favorite [ATTACH]

    Still my favorite
  3. Adam Wrangler

    Twitch Listing Signup (Website/Streamcord)

    Character Name: Kyle Rogain Do you meet the requirements above? Yes What is your Twitch URL? Do you also want to be added to Streamcord? (This is the automatic Discord #streams notification. Select no if already added or don't want Streamcord...