Recent content by Chevrolet Bones-Chopper

  1. Chevrolet Bones-Chopper


  2. Chevrolet Bones-Chopper

    Twitch Listing Signup (Website/Streamcord)

    COMPLETED (Stanford) Character Name: Artemis Quinn Do you meet the requirements above? Yes What is your Twitch URL? Do you also want to be added to Streamcord? (This is the automatic Discord #streams notification. Select no if already added or don't want Streamcord notification) Yes...
  3. Chevrolet Bones-Chopper

    Let's Talk Medical

    Ok that makes me feel better. Thank you Ernest. Also, my additional two cents: I know hospitals can be stressful IRL and there's a certain amount of stress EMS players are expected to experience, but in my last server it got so bad that most of the EMS force quit and we had no one to do medical...
  4. Chevrolet Bones-Chopper

    Let's Talk Medical

    So I don't disagree with this. I've had a lot of friends play EMS and I understand why it's annoying. That said, the fact that people could get OOC warnings over this concerns me. I don't know how many times I have called 911 (via both phone and the /911 command), had no one respond, waited a...