Recent content by Edward Richards

  1. Edward Richards


  2. Edward Richards

    This is harassment

    This is harassment
  3. Edward Richards


  4. Edward Richards


  5. Edward Richards

    reporting you, enjoy the warning points buddy

    reporting you, enjoy the warning points buddy
  6. Edward Richards

    I am Cringe.

    I am Cringe.
  7. Edward Richards

    The cursor is my favourite bit

    The cursor is my favourite bit
  8. Edward Richards

    What date did this occur on?: Nov 1st & Dec 8th Approximately what time did this occur?: IDK...

    What date did this occur on?: Nov 1st & Dec 8th Approximately what time did this occur?: IDK Player(s) you are reporting?: Ryan Boyle Any other players involved?: My bank account What Rules were broken?: Robbery by invoice Please describe what happened:: He Charged me 8K for two months in a...
  9. Edward Richards

    No, this is just a figment of your imagination. None of this is real and no one will ever...

    No, this is just a figment of your imagination. None of this is real and no one will ever, really ever, see your post.
  10. Edward Richards

    What date did this occur on?: Today Approximately what time did this occur? 7:30PM EST...

    What date did this occur on?: Today Approximately what time did this occur? 7:30PM EST Player(s) you are reporting?: Leyla Kblocc Any other players involved? no What Rules were broken? OOC Toxicity Please describe what happened: Huwt my feewings Please link any evidence Her big ass forehead
  11. Edward Richards

    RIP Payne, was such a good character!

    RIP Payne, was such a good character!
  12. Edward Richards

    Still hasn't come back with that damn milk.

    Still hasn't come back with that damn milk.
  13. Edward Richards


  14. Edward Richards


  15. Edward Richards
