My Final Curtain

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Forrest Mann

The Whole Table
Early Supporter
SAPD Apprentice
Jan 11, 2021

My Final Curtain

Hi all,

This is a topic I didn't ever think I would have to cover, however some changes in my real life situation over the past few months have made some things clear to me. I want to start by saying that this community means a lot to me. What started as an unserious idea between myself, @Woody Mann and @Chris Solace in December of 2020 has become one of the premier whitelisted roleplay communities in FiveM. I want to really express my gratitude to the hundreds of volunteers who have spent countless hours over the past nearly 4 years putting this server together and keeping it running smoothly. The work that is done behind the scenes is significant, and they deserve all of the praise possible. I also want to thank all of you as community members for fostering the roleplay environment we have here. It is what makes New Day RP a special community for many.

With that being said, this is my final curtain. I cannot dedicate the time and energy I once could to this community, and it deserves more than an absent owner. I am pleased to announce that @Woody Mann will take ownership of New Day RP as of September 1st 2024. I intend to take a background role as a Founder.

Truly, thank you all for giving me an experience of a lifetime over the past few years. This community will always hold a special place in my heart.

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