Addressing Low Quality RP, Group Conflicts, and Warning Point Systems

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Staff Team

Feb 5, 2021
Hey everyone, as we receive and formalize community feedback, I want to say that we hear you, and are committed to making changes that the community is asking for. One big feedback we received is the quality of roleplay diminishing due to a myriad of issues. Low Quality Role Play (LQRP) is one that affects everyone, not just specific groups and/or departments; and while this is a trend being observed across multiple servers, it’s one that we will not continue to allow here in our RP home.

While more changes are being actively discussed and put in place to alleviate these issues, our first major change we are making is raising the bar for what’s allowed, and more severe consequences if this bar is not respected by individuals and/or groups.

How will this change look?

We are bringing problematic groups into tickets ahead of time to set the standard we expect from our players. This is a one and only time conversation we will have; if standards are not met, those will be met with major warning points and/or outright ban. There will no longer be multiple chances to get this right, and be a staple change as we launch additional changes to rulesets and guidelines when it comes to low quality roleplay as a whole. If your group’s lead/leads are not pulled into a ticket at this time, then your group is fine. If the time comes where your group is provided this one-time warning, your lead/leads will be notified on what changes need to be made and to communicate that to you and your group.

Another common piece of feedback we received was about the quality of gang / group conflicts and the pacing of shooting. We will be implementing new rules surrounding conflicts between groups - they are written below and are added to our Rules Page as well. These rules will go into effect immediately.

Fail RP - Group Conflicts and Wars
Conflicts and wars between groups of characters in server should be warranted (ie, have reason) and have a clear end goal - whether it be over turf, for money or revenge, to settle disputes or rumors, etc. Color squabbles, Yeeter-only beef, etc are not enough of a reason to have a full blown conflict.

During conflicts, groups will have a two hour cooldown between shooting incidents. This is included for your character if injured during a conflict, and the group as a whole. There are other avenues to engage in a war that doesn't warrant shooting, and we want groups to get creative on how they’ll engage in conflict aside from just shooting. Any characters that have joined a group within two weeks or less are barred from directly participating in a war's conflicts (ie, being the aggressor). Additionally, if a character shows a pattern of only playing during wars will face similar consequence.

No war conflicts can be brought to a community event. Many members spend hours creating and running these events to then be dismantled by a gang shootout. Things happen and can spill over, but a group should not be going to an event to bait or create conflict with another group. As far as Yeeter beef, there should be no posting of downed individuals or dead bodies.

The last thing we are implementing for now is a change to our Warning Points system. While we try to only rarely outright ban players, we realize that sometimes that leaves people who "play the system" with points. We will be changing the length and time of a few current points systems. This will be permanently posted in Warning Points and You.

Warning Points will now fall off after twelve months, not six. Points applied to Player Reports that need to be backdated will still be backdated. This will alleviate the increasing number of players we see log in, cause trouble, and then stop playing for a few months to let their points fall off.

For newer players, we are changing the probationary period to two months instead of one, and to 15 points instead of 10. This means a new player who accrues 15 Warning Points in less than two months will be dewhitelisted for two months and allowed to reapply after that. Their Warning Points will still be applied to their account when they return.
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