Forrest Mann
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  • It was amazing to actually have finally met the man behind the tag after having spoken the few times we have starting all the way back in Wild West (still scared the hell outta me when you dragged me down to the Staff Chat that one time I was in Teamspeak waiting to get into one of the 4 servers).

    He is a good bean and I definitely can say an amazing person.
    • Heart
    Reactions: Forrest Mann
    Forrest Mann
    Forrest Mann
    Likewise! Crazy to think how far things have come from a server that didn’t exist because the game wasn’t even out back in late 2019.
    heey james idk how to get a ticket threw but think my discord FullSendGaming just got hacked and if anything get posted it def wasnt me. sorry had no idea of how to reach out to staff.
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