Community Newsletter - March 25, 2025

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Staff Team

Feb 5, 2021
Hello everyone! Welcome to our first community newsletter, this is aimed to be a brief read for members of the community looking for a general update to how our community is going on an out of character level. We aim to do this monthly, however we’d like to see how this first one is perceived, then decide if this will be a monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly thing. If you have questions about this topic, feel free to either open a ticket on the NDRP main discord.

From NewDay Management:

2024 was an interesting year for us as a community, entering our second “full” year on our 2.0 framework, with a couple of development features coming through the works. We saw some of our longest standing management members, Tib, Remy and Tesco depart from the management team. We also saw new blood come in - Kate, Charlie, and Wyatt have joined over the past few months and now help to steer the ship.

In 2024, the NewDayRP staff team handled 9,429 support tickets, this averages to 25 tickets per day. Ranging from technical support, player-to-player mediations, compensation requests, and other various tasks. For a 100% volunteer community. We want to remind the community that while it can take some time for a ticket to be resolved, just remember that we have multiple projects constantly ongoing, and we always appreciate the community's patience.

As we look into 2025, we are looking to improve our communication with the community. Our last community meeting was in the summer of 2023 and we’ve been pretty silent since then. We recently launched our community feedback form, there were many long responses, with a lot of similar things being asked. We plan on addressing a lot of common questions that we haven't covered yet in future newsletters.

One of the biggest things asked in the recent form was the state of RP. Many folks have seen it decrease over the past year or so, and from a management level we do see this. We want to remind the community that NewDay was built as a place for slow, realistic and organic roleplay. While we acknowledge that the FiveM landscape is changing to become more casual, we still aim to provide realistic slowburn RP on the FiveM platform. On the Admin+ level, we are sorting through the feedback and working on a set of changes to various aspects of the server in order to improve our standard of roleplay as well as the enjoyability for all players: government, civilian, and criminal.

Recent Administrative Changes:

In terms of recent rule changes, we have had a couple over the past few months. You can click on the links below to be taken to the NDRP Staff-Messages channel to highlight each topic.
We are working on our ongoing player report queue. We realize time slips away and reports generally do not get seen to in a timely manner. We have made some internal changes to the nature of our PR review process with the plan to keep player reports moving at a steady pace.

From the Development Team:
Significant updates to the server, or other important development announcements can be found in our changelog post; announcements when the Changelog is updated are posted here in Discord. Another common bit of feedback we've received from the community is better communication on development work - this is a tricky thing to address sometimes - our development team are also all volunteer and work put on projects can vary due to time constraints just like on the administrative side. That being said, we do want to be more communicative about what features are upcoming and will list some of the bigger projects that are underway.
  • As many of you guessed from the teaser, a new phone update is well on its way to making it in server. This project is currently under review by Dev Leads and while there is no official ETA, we are close to finalizing and pushing it out.​
  • Signage is back! Find Tech and Sons in character to see what they have to offer.​
  • We've recently pushed a big update to cooking - many players have been enjoying cooking meals for their family and friends. Find your cookbooks free at your local grocery store! Further updates to recipes and options are being worked on with no ETA.​
  • A new mid-tier criminal mechanic is in development. There are no details or ETA at this time but look for more in our next newsletter.​
  • Over 50 new tattoos have been added recently with plans to trickle in more over the next few months. The tattoo team loves to hear your ideas and suggestions can be posted in the Tattoo Megathread.
  • CFX updates introduced a host of bugs; we are working to track down and fix many of these as well as the reported bugs from you in our Bug Report forum. If you think you've stumbled across a bug, you can always post it there. If you've found something closer to an exploit, please open a support ticket in Discord!​

NDRP Government Faction Updates:

From Rajesh Gupta; Judiciary
The Judiciary department is working on internal changes to help streamline the court process in response to community and legal roleplayer's feedback. We have made some small changes but one of the biggest thing we are focusing on are Expedited Trials which will allow, with both parties' consent, to get a court case scheduled and finished within a week or so of the motion being accepted.

From Seraphine Maxwell; San Andreas Medical Service
The San Andreas Medical Service has been working with Legislation & the San Andreas Board of Medicine to make Private Practices more simplistic, less intimidating and more accessible. SAMS understands that Psych RP is an important thing to many people and in the interest of providing that to the community we are hopeful that Private Practices will help bridge this gap.

Our training process for people who come into SAMS is designed to be doable for any full time working person, and our goal within SAMS is to design a program that allows people to come around, enjoy their time and have resources to aid them if they need it. SAMS has worked hard to listen to the feedback received from trainees to better help create a department that allows people to be successful.

From Barry Hill, LEO High Command
Our application process for law enforcement between the San Andreas State Police, Los Santos Police Department, and Blaine County Sheriff's Office are currently open. There are a few things that are often missed in this application process that knowing will definitely help people out, such as:
  • You must be a whitelisted member of NDRP for at least two weeks before applying.
  • Have not joined another government department (LEO, SAMS, SAFR, DOJ) on any character in the past 30 days.
  • Have not reached a threshold of 15 or more warning points within the past six months. If warning points were given six or more months ago, they will not count towards our immediate denial policy.
  • The answers are your own and are not plagiarized from another source or generated by AI programs.

If applying for law enforcement doesn't suit you but you still want to work alongside the people of LEO. We have a support division that includes janitorial services and, if dispatch applications are open, you can apply to be a dispatcher. Both of these roles allow you to be involved in some of the RP that the departments offer without stepping directly into law enforcement roleplay.

One of the more important aspects of LEO RP in maintaining a balance between realism and creativity. A good dynamic between LEO, criminal, and civilian roleplay is what keeps interactions engaging. We are constantly striving to make sure all parties can enjoy the many different encounters that we see ourselves in, but this cannot be done by just one side. all sides have to be engaged in the roleplay and have the mentality of having fun. All actions have a result in roleplay and everyone, including LEO have to be accepting of that fact.

Onto the rewarding aspects of LEO RP, which are the unique and diverse people and interactions we get to be apart of. LEOs have the opportunity to engage with almost everyone in the city in some shape or form. Whether its from pulling over a speeder, stopping by a local business, responding to 911 calls, or dealing with hostage situations, every encounter has the opportunity to be unique and special. These are what make LEO roleplay so enjoyable.
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