249 Club

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  • ‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎249 Club

    • Status
    • Founded
    • Founders
      Drifter (Retired)
      Scout (Retired)
    • Roles
      Managers - 2
      Race Organisers - 6
      Race Planners - 5
      Recruiters - 5
      Mentors - 10
      Lifealert - 12
    • Members
      Open League - 132
      New Blood - 176
      Total - 308
    • Motto
      "The streets are our playground"
    • Colours
      Race Manager / 249 Green (#00f9a0)
      Race Organiser (#a65cc3)
      Race Planner (#ac306b)
      Recruiter (#3498db)
      Mentor (#94df64)
      LifeAlert (#ec9ad5)
      Blacklist (#9a7ce0)
      Open League (#ee476f)
      New Blood (#e9c46a)
    • Branding


    249 Club is the premier street racing league in Los Santos.


    March 2021: Founded
    January 2022: Discord hacked and then deleted... (USE 2FA SCOUT!)
    April 2022: Scout retired
    July 2022: Drifter retired


    2 drivers from each team competing in 2 races each week for a month.

    Results (Top 3)
    1. ERROR 451 - F8, Raven, Cerberus, N8
    2. Cats with Hats - Bun, Tempest, Phantom
    3. Green Dragons - Irish, Blackbird, Krakkun
    ~27 Gopostal vans racing through the downtown streets of Los Santos in honour of Scout's retirement!

    2 drivers from each team competing in 2 races each week for a month.

    Results (Top 3)
    1. Double Dash - Nitro, Rocket, Mouvoi
    2. Rivals - Tempest, Blackbird, Binary
    3. Inferno - Irish, Krakkun
    2 drivers from each team competing in 2 races each week for a month.

    Results (Top 3)
    1. Vangelicos Cleaning Service - Blackbird, Q..
    2. ERROR 451 - F8, Falcon
    3. 0 Fucks Given - Raven, Cerberus
    A gathering of roughly 100 people at Legion Square with music, fireworks, drifting, and a big "fuck you!" to the cops. Afterwards a 50+ car race took place.


    (Credit: Unknown)
    1v1 races. Best of 3, winner moves up one rank. Can challenge the racer 1 position ahead of yourself. The best of the best.


    1. DK
    2. Hydra
    3. Hawk
    4. Orangutan
    5. Mob
    6. Boost
    7. Sensei
    8. Nitrous
    9. Gyro
    10. Smokey
