Adam Baker

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  • Adam Baker

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Sothern California
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      Jade Dragons


    Adam Baker is the only character played by Blod, He's a prospect for the Jade Dragons.


    Not much about Adam Baker's life is known, as he's forgotten most of it from smoking copious amounts of pot. What is known is that he was born on 07/07/1995 to a upper-middle class family in Southern California, In his early years he was a decently troublesome kid, but later during his teen years he became a social outcast and started to become the pothead he is now. He was then kicked out of his parents house at 19 and couch surfed friends and craigslist houses until he was 23 and then took one last dive and moved to Los Santos for work. Although when he moved into the city he didn't actually plan on working a regular 9am-5pm job, he wanted to do something more.

    Adam Baker and his parents have a rocky relationship, He has cut almost all connections to them and barely speak of their existence.

    Working long hours as a post-op deliver contractor, by chance, Adam met "Shogun". Seeing potential in Adam, Shogun showed Adam the criminal underworld of Los Santos. By doing l of this, and being his only contact, Adam worked with Shogun to help build up his Criminal Empire, The Jade Dragons. Adam was new, and under the control of many people, but was still loyal and willing to risk life and limb to become a big name in the city. As of right now, Adam is still a prospect, but he's well respected by most people above him. He's the only prospect fully aware of the Jade Dragons operations, and is trusted by everyone in the Jade Dragons. During his time in the Jade Dragons, Adam became a money launderer and flew under the wing of Moritz Kleber, Better known in the Jade Dragons as just 'Moe'. Although Adam was never good with numbers, he became very proficient as later in the Jade Dragons life, they were moving near $500k a week.

    After this, Adam unknowing took a vacation to the Bahamas with some of the money he had stashed aside from the money laundering business. After 2 months, Adam is ready to go back into the fold and work with the Dragons again.

    Adam is currently petitioning the city to get a business, named Seouly Cannabis Cultivators. In which he will grow and sell Marijuana legally.

    Adam Baker's personality could be described as the typical Southern California pot smoker. His voice is a cross between a chain-smoker and a surfer. Adam is a very laid back person with almost no ambitions in life, so he usually is very chill with doing whatever. He has a particular fondness of marijuana, whether its an addiction or not is unknown.
    Adam is currently a "Prospect" in the Jade Dragons. Although he's been affiliated with the Jade Dragons longer than a majority of their current members, he has never been upped in rank. This has generally become a meme within the whole group, as he's the longest running prospect, but he's still given the same amount of respect as higher ranks.


    • "Unnessessary!!" - Usually in response to when he is the butt of a joke.
    • "You know what I'm sayin'?"
    • Adam's bottom left rib is held to the rest of his body by a metal plate, His arm's bones are also held together by pins after being shattered. The cause of both was a motocycle accident.
    • To stay in the Jade Dragons, Adam had to perfom Yubisume. A Japanese practice of cutting of part of your finger after disrespecting your boss. Due to this, his is missing the tip of his Left Pinkie.