Adam Morantu

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  • Adam Morantu

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      July 19, 1980
    • Birthplace:
      Liberty City, USA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Jasmine and Samuel Morantu (Parents-Deceased)


    • Occupation:
      Fugitive Recovery Agent & Senior Bondsman
    • Faction Affilations:
      Fenrir Bail Bonds & Fugitive Recovery


    Shy, hard to get to know people but old enough to know better and young enough to still have fun.


    Upon reaching his mid-twenties, Adam attended Vespucci University to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering with a minor in Communications. However, late in his third year of college, Adam lost his parents Jasmine and Samuel to a fatal car accident they were involved in while driving through Staunton Island to Shoreside Vale.

    His parents being the only close family in Liberty, he decided to step away from working on his degree to handle everything regarding their estate. Nearly exhausting what money he had left, the now orphan took a job at Badger as a help desk technician to attempt to make ends meet.

    Deciding that working for a telecommunications company like Badger would not sit well, he gave everything up and moved to Los Santos.

    Upon arriving in Los Santos, Adam went back to looking through the classifieds, ultimately taking bit jobs with GoPostal to stay afloat and considering another attempt to refocus on applying to USLS to work towards his B.S. again.

    Either way, he plans on making this journey exciting, to make that mark that he was looking for in Liberty. Something that wasn’t tied to his parent’s random success.

    Not long after arriving in the state, Adam was fortunate to run into his old friend and colleague, Logan Stryker and was brought in as his "second in command" to his Bail Bond and Fugitive Recovery company.
