Alexandra Higashiyama

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  • Alexandra Higashiyama

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      New Jersey, USA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Alex, Anne Ziety, Freakazoid


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Deandra Pressin (Mother, Deceased)
      Ang Ziety (Father)
      Ang Ziety Jr (Brother)


    • Occupation:
      Bishops Chicken Employee,
    • Faction Affilations:


    Alexandra 'Anne Ziety' Higashiyama is a weary self-proclaimed 'Fashion Consultant' trying to make ends meet as peacefully as possible in Los Santos, struggling due to unresolved trauma along with an Anxiety Disorder. Currently stuck being too lazy to work, she doesn't know what she wants from the world... Is there anything left?

    Her natural hair color is a bright blonde, but she often dyes her hair and changes it up. Her eyes are an emerald green, and her face is covered with prominent freckles. She tends to wear football paint on her face to stand out. Her contacts correct her vision and color-blindness, and make her eyes appear purple. Sometimes she wears contacts that make them black...? She has a slim build, and wears a chest-binder from time-to-time.

    She also has an assortment of piercings, and tattoos that're hidden by all the clothes she wears.


    Unlike many troubled people in Los Santos, Anne spent most of her childhood in a loving family living in rural New Jersey, considering herself something of a 'bumpkin.'

    She struggled both socially and academically but found herself to be at her happiest when helping her loving mother around the family restaurant. Being surrounded by Italian Culture gave her a sense of pride over her heritage, and it's where she'd gained her immense loving and respect for Italian Cuisines. To an extent, Anne was spoiled. She would frequently have anxiety attacks when having to speak with people she didn't know and would seek comfort from her mother. With the help of the restaurant, all of her needs were met properly. Things would tragically fall apart the day her mother passed away.

    She struggles to open up about it, and so it's a mystery as to what happened to her mother. Being too young to manage the restaurant, funds would be moved from the family restaurant to Anne's education. Over time her impostor syndrome would worsen until she couldn't take it anymore. Feeling as though she was failing her father, and had wasted the money that should've been left to keep her mothers legacy intact, she decided to run away so she wouldn't have to face the pain anymore. Looking for ways to make cash to re-open the restaurant, she found herself moving to Los Santos...

    Anne's present life is heavily centered around those around her... Due to heartache, she's lost and doesn't know what exactly she wants. She hopes someday whatever it is finds its way to her.



    "White Boy."

    "Nyah! (Yeah!)"


    "I could physically harm you..."

    "My crinkly bones...!"

    "What the he-ack?"


    "*various whiny duck like sounds*"


    • In order to reconnect to her family roots, and to finally escape the hell of being called 'Anxiety,' Anne changed her last name from Ziety to Higashiyama.

    • Anne claims she only takes her medication because of the para-social relationship she developed with her therapist.

    • Anne struggles to cope with her emotions and frequently pretends those around her are nothing more than characters in a TV Show. Primarily spying on Black Lotus' compound to pretend they're Sims characters. She'll infrequently voice over them from afar to recreate Soap-Opera Dramas for her own entertainment.

    • Being heavily near-sighted and light-sensitive, Anne legally shouldn't be driving without her prescription glasses

    • At age 15, she met and babysat Lucas Lloyd, AKA The Blue Bionic.

    • She frequently escapes traffic stops via venting to the police

    • Anne's ID lacks a birthdate, and it'd seem Anne isn't quite sure how old she actually is.
      • This was rectified with the launch of 2.0, with Anne now having a proper birthdate.

    • She watched one clip of Metal Gear Solid 3 and decided to dedicate herself to learning how to spin revolvers. Her past of baton-twirling has come in handy, and she used her skills to convince the owners of a gunstore to give her a 75% discount off everything.
      • Her Japanese father is a huge fan of Westerns, and would often watch Clint Eastwood films with Anne. This furthered her desire for being a revolver-wielding badass.

    • She hates smoking, but loves eating edibles.

    • One of her dreams is to buy a Sports-Bike so she can recreate the famous 'Akira Slide.'
      • On March 7th, 2022 Anne finally bought her dream bike the Nagasaki Kusa, after a bit of gambling. In May, she would go on to trade the bike with Billy Eagley.

    • Her mothers name is Deandra Pressin, but she most commonly would go by Dee. Thus meaning her name was 'Dee Pressin.'