Alex Hawkins

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  • Alex J Hawkins

    • Status:
      Deceased (02/05/2022)
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Sheep Fucker, The Drunk, Ed


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Brother - Tyler Gerking
      The Wife - Naomi Hawkins -Deceased-
      Love Interests - Helena Wren
      Daughter - Estella Hawkins


    • Occupation:
      Mechanic/Electrician, Former Paramedic
    • Faction Affilations:
      Black Lotus MC
      The Worlds End


    Alex is currently a Member of the Black Lotus MC, He can often be found behind any bar filling his flasks or with a beer in hand. He joined the MC back in the UK when he began work for a construction company and met a good friend, Marty Buzzard, after a bit of time and a court marshal later he was voted in to be a Prospect for the club. Six months later and a good few beatings they voted him in. From there Alex tried to prove that he can be whatever the club needed of him however this took a turn for the worst, It took a toll on his home life and his mental state which led him to where he is today. Drunk & alone.


    Alex grew up in a struggling situation after his parents walked out when he was only 5. He was left to be minded by his older brother who'd teach his brother basic and advanced math to fitness and health care. Though at this time Alex's name Was Jack Alexander Jones. Both brothers were incredibly close growing up and Alex made it his goal growing up to impress and eventually take care of his brother. Now Alex wasn't very fond of school and tend to bunk off to go work at local shops or go to the local boxing club. However, on Alex's tenth birthday he received news that his brother was involved in a car crash and passed away on scene. Alex unsure of what to do hid away for a while only attending the boxing club once a week.

    Now fast forward six months, Alex had become a little bit of the uncontrollable youth and only found sanctuary at the club. Whilst attending one day he met a family who he'd soon get to know very well. This family took Alex in and cared for him since he was alone on the streets. Soon they filed for adoption and Jack Alexander Jones became Alex Gerking. Soon they moved to London where Alex and his now brother Tyler became very close. Alex now approaching his sixteenth birthday enrolled in the British Armed Forces. After being accepted Alex was shipped to Harrogate where during his training he was picked out by a small unit. Once he finished his basic the unit enrolled him into EOD and Medical training. Alex was first deployed just after his 19th birthday to Colombia and soon was deployed all over the globe. During his service, he had a total of three serious injuries and too many to count minor. Alex began his obsession with tattoos to cover some of his scars and burns.

    During Alex's '20s, he was involved in a helicopter crash which left him and his squad stranded and left to walk back to the FOB. During this Alex sustained mass lacerations to his back which made him unable to return to combat for 12 months. During this time he was asked to go help out in hospitals and eventually moved to LS and began work at Pillbox Medical Centre. Whilst on his way to his first shift Alex was T-Boned off his bike and Paramedics were called. This was the first time he met his now-wife Naomi. From there Alex joined the Paramedic team and began work there. Alex slowly climbed up through the ranks within medical and eventually was asked to stay with them and go into the reserves which he accepted. After some hard work and a lot of vomit on his boots, he was promoted to Asst. Chief of Pillbox medical. Alex and Naomi got together not long after that however Naomi's ex-husband was not best pleased with this choice. Therefore an attempt was made on Alex's life which led to the death of her ex-husband. Alex staged it to look like a gang attack and put it behind him however the ex's friend a BCSO also tried to kill Alex in revenge which led to Alex being hospitalized and the Deputy being left dead.

    Alex requested a transfer to a different medical centre and was soon moved back to London with his wife and daughter. He was also asked to leave hospital care and go back full time into the army which he agreed to. Whilst the army was debating where to ship him he became close friends whilst taking mechanical courses with Marty Buzzard. After 3 months of getting to know the Black Lotus Club of London Alex was put up for prospect but was still allowed to serve in the military. A couple of weeks after receiving his patch Alex was shipped to Syria we're the tensions of chemical warfare had arisen. After talking with his family and club they all deemed it best for him to go but depending on the outcome this had a chance of it being his last deployment.

    Alex and his team were stationed in the UK Embassy in Syria and were sent to investigate various locations that may have had chemical or illegal arms. During these investigations, Alex was exposed to numerous types of harmful gasses which took a toll on his lungs and caused him to pass out during a defusal of one of the said devices. This alerted the local militia caused himself and his team to get attacked which left his team injured and some members deceased. Because the reports of British Troops doing these missions hit the local news Alex and the remaining members of his team were labelled as a rogue and were court marshalled. Alex was sentenced to house arrest however the charges were later dropped due to unknown reasons. Alex was patched into Black Lotus MC at now a ripe old age of 24, he began to slow down to his body giving out on him. Alex avoided going to the hospital to get checked and kept avoiding it. At 26 Alex moved his family back to LS to join the charter after a request was made for him.

    Alex tends to spend most of his days now worrying if his wife will leave him and drinking unhealthy amounts of alcohol. He has a simple dream of opening a pub which seems to have become a reality. However, he is currently struggling with the death of his beloved wife and is spiralling down a dark path. Alex has focused on his family for now writing to his daughter Estella as often as he can.

    Alex's current song is:



    "Fuckin Cheers"
    "Fuck my life Bing Bonk"
    "Pass me a beer"
    "Fuck I'm too sober for this"