Amber MacKeen

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  • Amber MacKeen

    • Status:
    • Gender:
      Non-Binary Transgender Female
    • Pronouns:

    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      10/30 [DATA CORRUPTED]
    • Birthplace:
      Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality:
      Vietnamese / Japanese
    • Aliases:



    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Logan MacKeen (Adoptive Father)
      Chance Killgrave (Adoptive Mother)
      Ruby MacKeen (Daughter)
      Sage MacKeen (Son)


    • Occupation:

      Tattoo Artist for Mad Tatter's (Active)
      Trained Mercenary For Hire (Active)
      Budtender for Euphoric Cannabis (Inactive)
      Shift Lead for Great Ocean Club (Inactive)
      Security / Employee for Hookie's Seaside Bar (Formerly)
      Freelance Security Agent (Inactive)
      Freelance Tattoo Artist (Active)
      Acrobat (Formerly)
    • Faction Affilations:

      The Underworld (Former)
      Outcasts MC (Former Officer/Defunct)
      Death Dealers MC (Former/Defunct)
      The Condemned MC (Former/Defunct)


    Amber Dawn (Now MacKeen,) better known as Fenrir, is a Vietnamese-Japanese Non-Binary Intersex Transgender Woman. She tends to keep to her self and has a very aggressive nature to herself, and tends to get mad rather easily; and when she does, she will speak her mind without a worry in the world. She previously wore the Mask of her Mentor and Father-figure growing up, still covered in his dried blood, and still heavily damaged from the very injury that took his life. She also had a Sleeve Tattoo on her Left Arm in the style of Tribal Playing Card Suits (Diamond, Heart, Club, Spades; from top to bottom in order.)She has since had the tattoo removed and replaced with something of her own design. She rarely took off her mask and could always been seen wearing it, along side some form of Animals ears, though she tends to prefer Cat and Jackal, and sometimes Bunny ears. Though not as often wearing a mask, now days they prefer wearing a Half-mask in the style of an Oni, and seen in various colors.


    Little is known of Ambers personal life; she herself has been searching for many years trying to uncover her foggy past, and has only managed to find small bits and pieces over the years. She's still searching though she has begun to give up hope in uncovering her past, without help.

    At some point in early 2022, Amber was a Nomad for Death Dealers, though she rarely spoke to others. After some time, and the Death Dealers slowly fading out, Amber left the DD behind, and went Solo for a little bit.

    After a few months passed, she was introduced to the Outcasts by her at-the-time Boyfriend. She ended up fitting the Club well and got along with all of them; and found herself a home, up until the Fall of the Outcasts. After the Outcasts fell, Amber went back to her job, as an [DATA CORRUPTED; FILE HAS BEEN ALTERED BY A THIRD PARTY]

    She would also fully adopt and embrace the Roadname of 'Fenrir,' in honor of her late Mentor, and wore the marking of Fenrir with pride and respect. Up until recently, she wore the Patch of Fenrir with pride and would introduce herself as 'Fenrir,' to new people she'd meet for the first time.

    The Symbol of Fenrir, her personal Logo which she proudly wore.

    During this time, she has some Pictures taken of her; without her Mask for Sally's Surf Shop.

    Amber, Without her Mask and rocking full Outcast Orange.


    Amber, with her iconic Mask and Sleeve Tattoo fully visible, rocking Outcast Orange.

    After almost an entire year away from Los Santos, after doing nothing but non-stop traveling around the world for her Work, she decided to make a return to San Andreas, and reconnect with some of her old contacts, though mostly her Father, Logan 'Toxic' MacKeen, and some of the former Members of the Outcasts MC, her former home and family.

    A few months after her return to Los Santos, Amber continued the search for her past, to discover anything at all about her life that she still knew very little about. Upon vising a Safehouse, used by her and her former Mentor, the previous Fenrir, she discovered hidden journals under a trap-door hidden by a set of slightly miscolored floor tiles.

    In the Journals from their former mentor and Father Figure, they mention two people, possibly close friends of their Mentors. A man from Vietnam by the name of Quân, a former soldier who wore dogtags with pride, and a Woman by the name of Tuyen, a skilled Bladesmith who worked at a local Shop in the Red Light district of Tokyo. Upon reading the journal and discovering this; Amber decided to do some extra digging, anywhere she could think of. She came across an article in a news paper, dating back to early January of 2008; where it made mention of the same two people from the Journal found dead in their family home, with their child missing, a Five Year Old by the name of 'Kai.'

    After reading this, she was furious as she had connected the dots and realized that her former Father figure, was the one responsible for her possible Parents death; and the very cause for her going homeless. She had been told all of her early life by him she was an Orphan, whom they'd discovered on the streets when in reality, they killed her Parents, and kidnapped her; training her to be his successor should anything ever happen to him.

    Taking a day or so to cool down and recollect her thoughts; she made the decision one night as she sat atop her Apartment rooftop, as the rain poured down. She removed her mask and looked at it, now filled with anger yet again; speaking to the Mask as if it were her former mentor, vowing that she had upheld her promise as long as she could but refused to life in shadows any longer, and at the same time, retiring the Mask of Fenrir, and the title of Fenrir all together; taking a new name, that of "Jackal." That same night, she decided to design a new personal Logo for herself; one unique to her and not a Title used by those who came before her; now opting to wear a Gasmask that only covered her lower face, her eyes now fully visible, allowing her to wear glasses and various other eyewear.

    The newly designed Logo of Jackal, replacing the former Fenrir design she wore on various clothing. She would incorporate two of her favorite colors in it;
    Orange, and Pinkish-purple.



    "I'm tired of being solo; I want a place I belong. I Want -- i NEED a family."
    "I didn't do shit!"
    "I'm not scared of you, nor anyone else. I've seen hell all my life and I doubt that'll change anytime soon."
    "the answer to your question is yes."
    "Try me, mother fucker!"
    "*random duck noise*"
    "you know; people tend to overlook bunnies. but when a bunny fights back? you know its going to be interesting."
    "I've been searching for my Biological Parents all my life. Growing up an orphan, you have a lot of questions and never seem to have many answers. I won't give up. I can't. I won't."


    Amber rarely talks about it, but They are actually Intersex, born with both genitalia -- though the feminine portion of their body was dominate, thus causing more feminine features and internal organs to take primary as they grew older, opting to undergo treatment and various operations to help aid in their overall goals, and body comfort.

    They claim they are from Vietnam, however in their search for their origins about their own mysterious early life; only found vague mentions of two specific countries; both of witch being in the Asia continent of the world.
    - The two countries mentioned are Vietnam, and Japan. That being said; the latter has stronger evidence supporting it, various notes and journals from their former Mentor, the previous Fenrir, talking in full detail of Japan, specifically, the capital of Tokyo and talking in detail the day he ran into a young "Kai," Ambers dead-name.

    They will NEVER tell anyone their dead-name, as they hate it with a burning passion for unknown reasons.

    In the Journals from their former mentor and Father Figure, they mentioned various places; but most importantly seemed to document a young Ambers life, up until the day of his death.

    Amber's Mentor never revealed their name to them; and to this day refer to them as "the previous Fenrir," as it was the only name they'd ever known.

    Upon their Mentors death, they held the dying Fenrir in their arms as they died -- at the same time, this was the exact moment their Mentor passed on the title of Fenrir, to them.