Billy Banter

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  • Billy F Banter

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5 '8
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Mile End, London
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Bad Billy, The Taxi Driver


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Mother: Helena Banter, Father Bobby Banter


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:


    Cabbie Extraordinaire, Journalist, Motor mouth


    Billy was Born in London UK in Mile End, Born within the sound of the Bow Bells he is a true cockney.
    His father Bobby Banter was a traditional Black Cabbie and his mother Helena Banter was a Cleaner.
    Billie would later take the knowledge himself, and be an official London cabbie.

    Billy has Blue hair which is a side affect from his birth, It took a week for Billies mother to give birth to him, due to him getting stuck, A new experimental Chemical akin to spray on Teflon was used to lubricate and finally release him from his exhausted mother, a side affect it that the chemicals did something unexplained to this day by doctors, making his hair Blue, in fact all the hair on billies body is blue.

    Billy has always been chatty, in fact he finds it hard to shut up, some people call it "The gift of the Gab" others call it "Motor Mouth Syndrome". Billies mouth tends to says thing before his brain has sent the words, which often gets him into trouble as his built in censorship functions are bypassed, this often gets him into trouble. This trait is even more prevalent when he is in stressful situations.

    Billy had a good upbringing in his early years always well looked after, though his teenage years saw him go off the the rails a little, getting into trouble doing petty crimes, mainly due to boredom and to put a little excitement in his life.
    Deep down Billies Heart is good, he loves doing nice things for people, though if people are unkind to him he will let them know.

    His Hard working father at his wits end to billies criminal activities took to trying to beat sense into him with his, fists, belts, bats and anything his father could get his hands on. His mother tried to stop his father and his father always pushed her out of the way sometimes injuring her, Billies mother left his father, and Billie left soon staying in various squats and other forms of free accommodation.

    Billy Decided to follow in his fathers footsteps and become a cabby as he loved meeting people and chatting to them, he found it a good way to gain knowledge of people, places, things and events. and the fact it pissed his father off no end.

    Billy would eventually go into business with another cabbie friend called Jack, and would run a heli-taxi service from the Heliport in Battersea, providing AirTaxi's to the rich people of London.

    Billy dabbled in growing weed in his various squats, and was very good at it, he certainly had green fingers, he smoked it occasionally though it caused him to have issues such as voices in his head. Billy eventually stopped growing weed as other factions in London came down hard on him for selling in their Turf, the beatings affected Billy badly, no longer being able to sell weed he went on a binge and smoked all of his supply that he was no longer able to sell, this put him in psychosis and one particular voice in his head got stronger, which effectively led too Billy having two personalities.

    The good Billy managed to keep Bad Billy at bay most of the time, though it was a constant struggle.

    Billie's split personality caused more problems, Bad Billy was constantly with him, always telling him to man up and give payback to the people that did bad to him, when "Bad Billy" got hold of what is know as "the Candle", an item passed between billies two Personalities which allows billies Personalities to dominate and control billies actions. He went on rampages brutally beating and killing his enemies. This eventually forced him to Leave London and move to Los Santos to try and put the crimes bad Billy did behind him and start a new life

    Billy Banter is the owner of aCab one of two taxi firms in Los Santos, the other being Familgia Cabs.
    aCab's business premises is at the Del Pero Pier parking lot, where the old beach maintence building was.

    Billy is quite infamous for an event known as Turd Gate, an incident where various doorsteps in mirror park were defecated on, Members of the Black Lotus Motorcycle club claim to have seen Billy defecating on doorsteps but have yet to produce any hard evidence, Billy to this day claims it was not him that did this horrendous act, saying he was simply going around to see if his neighbour's doorsteps had also been defecated on.


    "I'm an honest, upstanding, law abiding member of society"
    "Need a cab mate?"
    ""i don't do cocaine, i just like the smell of it"

    Billy's Blue Hair is as a result from chemicals used during his birth.
    Billy has only ever had 2 girlfriends.