Billy Hernandez

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  • Billy Hernandez

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Dallas, Texas
    • Nationality:
      Puerto Rican/Mexican
    • Aliases:
      Deino, Switchblade


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:




    Billy Hernandez, 22 lived in Dallas, Texas with his girlfriend, Alexis where they often hung out, watched movies, and drove around. They spent every waking moment, often doing everything together. One night during one of their many drives through the countryside the vehicle's brakes stopped working. Billy, constantly pressing his foot down onto the peddle, pushing harder and harder beginning to panic. Gripping his hands upon the steering wheel trying to keep the car steady. Continuously trying to get the brakes to work, nothing was of use. Billy’s mind went into shock, realizing the situation, feeling as though time started to slow down. He looked over towards Alexis watching her grip at her seatbelt, holding on for what they’re about to embrace. Alexis looks over towards Billy, giving him a soft, angelic smile. Reaching over to undo Billy’s seatbelt, she yanks on his door handle and with a swift shove and pushes him from the car. Billy quickly attempts to grab onto anything he can and fails. Hitting the pavement with his body furiously rolling with each thump adding more bruises to his body. The sudden sting of road rash upon his face and hands he ends up in a ditch. Knocked out by the constant subtle thumps to his head. Alexis still in the vehicle, barreling towards a thick oak tree, she braces herself for impact. Gripping onto her seatbelt tightly, closing her eyes and taking one last breath. The car slams into the tree head-on. Driving over several farm instruments strung out across the area, the fuel tank was punctured. Alexis knocked out from the airbag which had been deployed, the car began to leak gasoline. A fire strung from the leak causing the vehicle to engulf in flames. Billy finally awakening, in a panic he sits up, moving his body towards the road, trying to look out towards the car where Alexis remained unconscious. His legs slightly in pain from the aggressive rolling after being pushed from his car. He tries to fully stand up, pushing himself to limp towards Alexis. Getting closer the car explodes causing him to stumble backwards causing him to fall. Billy screams with emotion, shouting Alexis’s name. Tears gliding down his face he does nothing, sitting on his knees doomed to watch the flames take away the one thing he loved in his life.

    Two years later,
    Billy, now 24 continuously trying to move on from the devastating event in his life he fights a constant battle with himself. Living in a motel room in some backyard hick town, out in the country of nowhere, he often traveled from place to place. He felt an urge to find his new home, a place he could settle down in getting him away from the dingy motel feel. While traveling, trying to move on from his past, he met a few friends along the way. A girl here, a guy there. Nothing, and no one would ever have that close feeling like Alexis did. Feeling hopeless and empty he wanted to search for a place where he would settle down and finally call his home. Sitting in his motel room, on his squeaky bed he opened a map. Spreading it across the mattress he used a quarter deep from within his old leather wallet flipping the coin into the air. Promising himself which ever state the coin landed he would travel there and try to make a life for himself one last time. He gives the coin a good flick of his thumb watching it flutter into the air, he closes his eyes for a moment listening to the sound of the quarter dropping onto the spread out map draped across his bed. Billy opens his right eye keeping his left tightly shut he looks down upon the map to study where the coin landed. Kneeling down to look over the map, he picks up the quarter to reveal his new destination. “San Andreas?” Billy reads out loud. A place he’s never heard of but eager to start something new. He starts packing his things ordering a plane ticket for the next afternoon. Having nothing but a duffle bag with only a few clothes and essentials. Looking around his room, he makes peace with this place that once meant something and eagerly awaits tomorrow’s flight. He showers and prepares himself for what won’t be a good night’s rest, but a least a few hours of shut eye.

    Remembering all the times he had with Alexis, her smile, how much of a bright light she was to him he leans back into his seat. Looking out the oval shaped window overlooking the clouds and mountainous ground below a ding plays. Billy looked forward towards the other passengers, “Hello everyone, we will be landing shortly. Please put on your seatbelts. Place your tray in it’s upright position, and gather any of your belongings. We will be landing in about seven minutes. Thank you for choosing Delta, we hope you enjoyed your flight.” Finally stepping off from the plane finding his way towards the airport entrance he digs into his pocket. Pulling out a torn piece of paper he unfolds it and looks at the phone number. A passenger whom he had a lengthy discussion with during his flight mentioned having a cousin working at one of the local mechanic shops somewhere in San Andreas. Encouraging Billy to give him a call for potential work. Billy pulls out his phone and calls for a cab. The cab finally arrives. Billy slides the paper back into his pocket and loads his bag into the backseat. Telling the driver to take him to the most affordable motel will do. The cab driver tells him there is one in Harmony but it will be about a thirty minute drive from the airport. Billy nodding his head in agreement, he leans back into his seat and looks out the window. Pulling the note from his pocket, he dials the number written and speaks to the man’s cousin. Setting up an appointment tomorrow to meet with him, he leans into his seat watching everything pass by. He thinks about the new possibilities he’ll have.
