Bloody Saints MC

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  • Bloody Saints MC

    • Status
      Inactive (Moved from New Day)
    • Founded
      June 4th, 2024
    • The Fallen
      PRESIDENT - Tony "Turtle" Roi
      VICE PRESIDENT - Amaris "Dollface" Sharp
      SGT AT ARMS - Damien "Damo" Sharp
      SECRETARY - Barry "Tiger" Grimes
      CHAPLAIN - Mord Anderson
      TAIL GUNNER - James "Bear" Bucket
    • Members
      David Moore
      John Holiday
      Ritchie Rains
      Billy Butler
      Cecil Butler
    • Prospects
      Ivan Sinclair-Mcfall
      Zeke "Papa Bear" Reigns
    • Nomad
    • "Fallen-Saints"
      Elijah Dragan (10-13-2024)


    A Motorcycle Club operating out of Grapeseed that follows the outlaw lifestyle while they try to enjoy life to its fullest.


    The history of Bloody Saints MC started when members of Hellhounds who fought tooth and nail for change couldn't achieve it, so they made their own changes. It started with Tony "Turtle" Roi when he and Cass attempted to patch in Amaris and Damien Sharp. After the vote was denied due to unknown reasons, Turtle left with his kutte in hand and leaving it in the dirt. Soon after, others followed him. Those who were active followed him in this new era, Bloody Saints MC was born with Turtle taking the leads as President. The new club was founded on 06/04/2024 After Turtle announces his official departure from Hellhounds with the others also handing in their kuttes.


    • Bloody Saints MC Founded in Grapeseed on 06/04/2024