Daxton DL Langston is a 32-year-old criminal with an unfortunate habit of bumping off the people around him. He is entertaining and loveable but can also be unstable and violent.
His first victim was his late girlfriend, Bailey Elijah Washington, who he accidentally killed because she told a joke he didn't particularly appreciate.
He is an American who defines himself as straight. He didn't finish school.
Physically, Daxton is in pretty good shape. He is of average height with olive skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He has a Scratch on the cheek from a tussle with Ryan Standal.
He grew up in a working-class lower, poverty neighborhood. His father left when he was young, leaving him with his mother, who was an addict.
Daxton's best friend is a Criminal, Ryan Standal. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Frances Powell and Lake Haried. They enjoy cycling together.