Hugh McBride

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  • Hugh McBride

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      11th December 1982
    • Birthplace:
      Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Owner of McBride Munitions
    • Faction Affilations:

      Sonics RC, Glorious Leader
      McBride Munitions, Founder and CEO
      Heroes Garage, Senior Mechanic


    Hugh stands at 5'11", and usually has either his signature red hair or it is dyed in fashion. A child of the 80s and 90s, Hugh often has neon "rave" style clothing and accessories which help him stand out of the crowd. Typically he will be seen driving sports bikes or older, "classic" style cars although he's developing a need for faster, more modern cars as well.


    Hugh, or "Shug" to his friends, grew up in the city of Glasgow in Scotland. His parents were busy people, and so Shug did most of his growing up out on the streets, running with a small group of friends who would generally get into trouble together. As they grew older, this group of friends started committing more and more crime together; none of their families had any real amount of money and so they would commit acts of theft and robbery to get what they wanted.

    As Shug grew out of his teens, his group of friends started to drift apart due to a number of reasons. Eventually Shug found his way into the circle of the Bastards MC, a small Scottish 1%er Motorcycle Club. Over time, Shug was elevated to the position of Sergeant-at-Arms, responsible for working out arms deals with other groups both north and south of the Border. Over time, the MC developed an enmity with a street gang who called themselves "The Rat Pack" and events led to a huge shoot out that left Shug as the only survivor.

    Despondent after his friends had been killed, Shug decided that he'd had enough of Scotland, at least for the time being, and so he decided that he would move to America. After some thought, he elected to move to Los Santos in the state of San Andreas.

    In Los Santos, Hugh has had a varied criminal career, never shaking that initial criminal life that he had. Typically his ventures centre around the production and distribution of narcotics, although he has been known to dip his toes into making firearms and sometimes distributing them.

    After a few months of operating largely by himself, Shug found a home in a street gang called The Wave where he managed their weed growing operation, as well as the making of methamphetamines. Over time, events transpired that caused Shug to part ways with The Wave, albeit amicably, and Shug then started his own crew, called The Firm. A throw back to his days in the British crime scene, it fared well until federal economic issues wiped out their funds. It was here that Shug met his close friends, Reginald "Mama Hoe" Wilford and Cynthia Crawford, although Cynthia currently languishes in federal prison following an attempt to fly over 1,500 lbs of weed out of the country.

    Mama Hoe then founded a group called The Sirens, who Shug eventually joined. The Sirens were a successful venture, running a number of illicit raves out of run down areas of the city. In addition to this was the usual run of narcotics and occasionally firearms. After a while, The Sirens ran out of steam and so Shug moved on to other ventures. It was here that Shug met more friends in the form of Reign and Benji, a couple who were central to the rave scene they cultivated.

    After The Sirens parted ways, Shug found himself working for the Irish Mob. It was an easy life; taking bags of weed and moving them through the city and then running the illicit proceeds through some laundering. Over a period of a few months, Shug worked his way up through the ranks of the Mob, finally settling as Clan Chief, in charge of drugs operations. The membership of the Mob waxed and waned but eventually Mama Hoe, Reign and Benji re-appeared, which led to the formation of Sonics RC, a group dedicated to the moving of drugs, firearms and the holding of illegal raves.

    From a business viewpoint, Shug is looking to found McBride Munitions in Chumash, where he will sell firearms, accessories and potentially some THC-based products, pending the correct licenses.


    "Hello, I am famed criminal and terrorist, Shug."