Jackson Porter

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  • Jackson Porter

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6ft 2"
    • Birthdate:
      3rd December 1995
    • Birthplace:
      London, England
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      "Dex" (Street Name)
      "Lil Dex" Previously "Lil Dex Wetter" (Rap Name)


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Kiyana Porter (Wife - Resides In The UK)
      Ramsey Porter (Father - Deceased)
      Deborah Nyobi (Mother)
      Tom Porter (Brother)
      Nicholas Porter (Brother)
      Randy Porter (Nephew)
      Marie Weiss-Porter (Niece)
      Fawn De Gaffa (Niece)


    • Occupation:
      Senior Technician - Porter Electronics
      Aspiring Rapper, Songwriter, DJ & Producer
    • Faction Affilations:
      6lud6rothers (UK Rap Group - Disbanded 2016)
      The Porter Family


    Jackson is a tall, african american male with black hair and brown eyes, weighing roughly around 82kg. He has a prominent British "chav" accent and dresses in hoodies, joggers and low hanging jeans. He can sometimes have a tough exterior but underneath it all he is very caring for his family, although, this can be hard to perceive from an outside perspective due to how he processes his feelings and how he presents himself, however, all he wants is for them to strive and everything he does is in hopes of achieving that.

    Jackson mostly walks around with a slight lean in his upper back due a bullet once hitting a disc in the upper portion of his spine and shaving off some of the cartlidge, causing uneven support and chronic back pain that requires medication and therapy to treat. This is mostly kept hidden by Jackson though and he manages to sway his lean into a walkstyle in hopes that no one notices, as he never likes to let his guard down or show his weaknesses.

    He is also intermittently covered from neck to toe in scars from previous stab wounds, gunshot wounds and all sorts. At this point in his life, Jackson is extremely lucky to be alive & well and his luck continues to surprise everyone around him, with people regurlarly stating he should play the lottery.

    Out of the many nicknames and aliases Jackson has had in his life, the main one he is known by is 'Dex', derived from his rap name 'Lil Dex' (previously 'Lil Dex Wetter'), a stage name created by Jackson using a name generator. However, he absolutely cannot stand the nickname Jack and gets annoyed when called by this shortened name.


    Jackson Porter, born 12/03/1995 as the product of a one night stand, was the only son of Deborah Nyobi and the second son of Ramsey Porter. Following the birth of Jackson, Deborah managed to track down Ramsey and she insisted that he support the impovershed family financially due to his part in the conception. After some consideration, Ramsey agreed to this request under one condition, that he never has anything to do with Jackson or the Nyobi family. Deborah agreed to this providing the money kept coming in, until Jackson was at least 18, and from that day Jackson was never told by his mother who his father was. Unbeknownst to both parents though, this would have an everlasting effect on Jackson and his mental health which would eventually evolve into a solid hatred for his father that he could never shake, even though he had no idea of his identity.

    Through his early years, Jackson was informed that his fathers last name was Porter, and that was why he shared the same last name, as opposed to being called Jackson Nyobi, and he was also raised with the knowledge of his older brother, Tom Porter. Unfortunately though, no further information was ever provided by Deborah and as Tom was also unaware of his fathers identity at the time he was unable to provide any further insight on this. However, Tom did manage to spend a lot of time with Jackson and the pair were regurlarly seen around London's streets, causing trouble and generally being a nuisance to society.

    As Tom was 11 years older than Jackson, he was always the leader in their pair and whatever Tom did, Jackson was only a few steps behind, never afraid to jump into anything with his brother by his side. Throughout their time together, Tom taught Jackson basically everything he knew about crime and before long the "Porter Pair" were quite well known by their local community and police force, much to Deborah's dismay. Jackson's mother had attempted her best to keep him out of trouble, however, with Tom's influence and the cards Jackson was dealt in life, this seemed nion impossible to acheive and before she knew it, her son was deep into the seedy underworld with no reparations in sight.

    Jackson and his mother often move around London, always ending up in rundown apartments in the roughest areas, before eventually settling down in the "31" projects atop Brixton Hill. As much as this was also a rough area, still with a partially rundown apartment, its the most at home Jackson has ever felt and the friends and life he made there set the foundations for what would be the rest of his life. This was all due to the specific block he moved into being a central hangout location for a local group of Crips, titled the "31 Hill Crips". It wasn't long after moving into this neighbourhood that things got real serious for Jackson and before Deborah could even pray for her son, he was rolling with this gang, fitted in blue constantly and getting up to god knows what at all hours of the day and night. Not long after getting established in this gang, his contact with Tom started to slow down and he went from seeing his brother every other month to once every 6 months, then once a year and eventually not at all, with both of them essentially making their own way in life.

    Due to the life he was living, Jackson had been in and out of prison for minor crimes for the majority of his teenage years, all owing to the gang he had built his life around, but this all came to ahead in 2016 when Jackson would be served with his longest stint in a cell yet. In the early hours of a cold January morning in 2016, Deborah and Jackson's 2 bedroom flat in the "31" projects was raided by armed police officers and Jackson was swiftly arrested and taken into custody. Whilst in the apartment, police found multiple kg's of prohibited drugs, including cannabis, cocaine and crack, as well as a supply of unloaded firearms, all hidden under his bed. Unknown to Jackson, he had been on the police' radar for a while now thanks to drugs and arms trafficking and they eventually obtained enough evidence to complete a search warrant on his property. After a lengthy investigation and trial process, Jackson was eventually sentenced to a total of 18 years behind bars due to his involvement in the case. Of this 18 year sentence though Jackson only actually served 7 years before being released due to good behaviour and after "proving" he was succesfully rehabilitated, on the 2nd January 2023, he was released from prison, a free man once again. Determined to put his past behind him and better himself and his family, he decided to arrange a move with his mother, a move that would not only set up a completely new chapter in his life, but one that will slowly reveal life long secrets that Jackson never thought he would know the answers too. With that in mind, Jackson and Deborah both packed up everything they owned and flew across the world to Los Santos, in hopes of starting a new life with new prospects.


    "Wagwan, What You Saying?"
    "Yes Yes My G"