Jacob Gallagher

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  • Jacob Gallagher

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6' 2"
    • Birthdate:
      May 16, 1990
    • Birthplace:
      Cambridge, Massachusetts
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Rebecca "Becks" Lawson - Ex-Wife
      Amanda O'Rourke - Mother (deceased)
      Francis Gallagher - Father (Unknown)
      Seamus O'Rourke - Grandfather (deceased)
      Kayleigh O'Rourke - Grandmother (deceased)


    • Occupation:
      Ronnie's Custom Choppers - Mechanic
    • Faction Affilations:
      Black Lotus MC - Patch Member


    Jacob Francis Gallagher, aka "Shaggy", is played by OfficerKilo and is currently a Patched Member of the Black Lotus MC


    Jake grew up in the Boston area without every really knowing his dad, other than knowing who he was, just some deadbeat one night stand that left his Mom, Amanda to raise Jake on her own shortly after he was born. Jake's mother worked as the secretary of her father's Autobody shop, so Jake spent his whole life around cars, trucks, turning wrenches and learned to love Classic Muscle cars, just like his Gramps, Seamus.

    Jake got into a standard amount of trouble as a kid from a broken home, but never anything that lead to jail time, but he has been arrested more than a few times. His Gramps had connections, Jake used to joke about Irish Mob ties, and Gramps never denied them, and usually saved his hide, sometimes he let him spend the weekend in a holding cell to try and teach a lesson.

    When Jake was 20, his mother passed away unexpectedly as a result of a car accident, and with his Gramps getting older, Jake was given the option to take over the auto shop or sell it, in the end he decided to sell to his Grandfather's best friend, Marcus, which is a decision he sometimes regrets. Jake and Gramps lived together for more than a decade. Jake's grandmother Kayleigh was in an assisted living facility due to severe alzheimers. Since the shop was no longer a priority, Jake and Seamus were able to visit her regularly. Jake still worked odd jobs here and there, and for a while he even worked for Marcus at the shop. Life kept steady like this for years.

    In March of 2021, Gramps passed away. Jake still had some of the money left over from the shop stashed away and used most of it to cover Gramps' final expenses. Talking to some of Gramps friends at the funeral, Jake learned that his Gramps had a dream of opening an auto garage somewhere nice, warm, and near a beach. Come to find out, Seamus had a similar choice that Jake had, to sell his father's shop or not and he chose to keep it, and then expanded it into the shop Jake chose to sell years ago. Jake learned this information and sat on it for a while, until around 5 months later when Jake decided to attempt to accomplish Seamus' dream and set off looking for cities on the coast. Los Santos in Blaine County ended up being his ultimate choice of destination, so Jake decided to move there and establish himself, with the hopes of setting up a shop with his Gramps’ dreams in mind. In less than 2 weeks time, he sold most of his personal belongings and got on a plane to Los Santos with nothing but a suitcase.

    Jake moved to Los Santos and worked in a few industries as he gained his footings in the city. He worked for the local Go Postal office for a while as well as the Sunrise Beach Club before taking a job full time working for the security company, Merryweather.

    While working at Merryweather, he met his now ex-wife, Rebecca "Becks" Lawson, while she was a client of the company. There was some fallout in the management of Merryweather, resulting in Jake and a handful of other employees deciding to leave the company. Upon putting in his resignation with Merryweather, Jake reached out to Becks to inform her of his departure and that if she needs anything she can contact him, the two ended up dating shortly after that. Eventually the two bought a house in Mirror Park and became engaged.

    Not long leaving Merryweather, Jake met a few members of the Black Lotus Motorcycle Club at a "Metal Monday" event at Tequila-la. This began the relationship with the club and Jake began hanging around, which lead to him prospecting (sponsored by John "Canada" Kemp) and after about 5 weeks being voted into the club unanimously and becoming a patched member. Jacob now works as a mechanic at Ronnie's Custom Choppers, a motorcycle repair shop located at the Black Lotus Compound in Mirror Park.
