Jynx Fantana

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  • Jynx Fantana

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
      She/Her, He/Him, They/Them
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      March 8th 2000
    • Birthplace:
      Stuttgart, Germany
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Jynx Klein (Formerly), Jynxy, J, Jynx the Lynx, Hund, Pup, The Trickster, Junx, She Devil


    • Marital Status:
      Married - Mathius Fantana (Dr.Berk)
    • Relatives:
      Dominik Klein - Brother
      Drusilla Sotterraneo - Half Sister
      Marie Roth - Mother - Deceased
      Luis Klein - Father - ?


    • Occupation:
      Wet and Wild Aracde (owner), A.S.S, Full Send Repair.
    • Faction Affilations:
      Fantana Family


    Jynx tends to be all over through out the city. Not always on the front lines of wars on the streets but, more in the background, being a diplomatic bridge between their affiliates. Two sides exist within their heart. A cold, all business machine that has no emotion, just drive to do what they must. The other a much more caring side who gives all they have for those they love. Who longs for nothing more then belonging and a family. Both, work as hard as they can to show their worth. Can often be found smoking, delivering packages, or occasionally socializing in a random corner.


    Jynx Klein is the birth child of a German immigrant and American soldier. Their birthdate is 8th of March, 2000. Born in Stuttgart and raised at the base there while their father was stationed in Germany for their first 4 years of life. Then, moved to the United States with their small family. Mother is named Marie Roth, Father is named Louis Klein. Married in September 1999.

    Jynx and their family moved all over the United states during their father’s service. Almost never staying in one place more than around a year. Grew up on military bases and their father was a bit absent for the majority of their childhood with a mother who was absent even if she was there. Jynx raised themself, as well as their little brother, and developed DID. One day, Jynx discovered their mother’s secret, her infidelity. Eventually finding their mother dead from an overdose. Their father, Louis, became even more distant after.

    Joined JROTC in their youth and continued to train to go into the life of a soldier or fighter for the majority of their teenage years. Wanting to do anything they could to feel valued and have someone be proud of them. Later going on to join the army when they turned 18 but was Honorably discharged at 19. After their discharge, Jynx fell more into the nightlife. Drinking and doing some drugs to help dull the pain of their new life and pass time. Meeting back up with an old friend from their youth and moving to Las Santos after finding out it was their half-sister all along.


    - Their right eye has been removed and replaced with a bionic replacement.
    - Will often change clothes based on mood.
    - Enjoys collecting many things and oddities.
    - Almost always smoking or has hands behind their back.
    - Favorite Weapon: Golf Club
    - "Guten Tag! How can I help?"
    - "Scheisse!"
    - "It's nothing personal. It's just business."