Larry Tate

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  • Larry Tate

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      Ronnie Tate (Son)
      Serenity Tate (Daughter)
      Marty (Son)



    The current President of Black Lotus MC, known to be ruthless yet kind. Larry Tate is an original member of Black Lotus' San Andreas charter, and patched over from the Reno charter to San Andreas to help run/set up the club in this new state. Larry was originally the Road Captain of Black Lotus San Andreas, but quickly took on the responsibilities of Dallas Thompson as he went nomad. Due to some unfortunate events with his past president he took over the reigns and is working hard on keeping his promise to the past president. Make the Lotus blossom in San Andreas.


    Larry Tate was born and raised in scandinavia with his parents Serenity Tate, and Ryan Ferguson Tate. At the age of 10 he lost both his parents in a car accident and his aunt & uncle (Xavier Tate) took him in and raised him. Larry would spend most his time in his uncle's garage working on motorcycles, learning how to build them from ground up as well as maintaining them.

    At the age of 18 he decided to move to the United States to attend college. His aunt had always had a dream of sending him abroad to attend college, and all Larry wanted at the time was to make the remaining two people in his family proud. A year after moving to America he was informed of the passing of both his uncle and aunt, and this sent him down a dark path. The only two remaining people in his family had passed away meaning he was the only person carrying the legacy of his last name. Larry is the last remaining person in the Ferguson bloodline that stems back to Bobby Ferguson, an outlaw from the Wild West.

    Losing everything Larry began to lose track of himself, and started partying more than most. Every day would contain drinking, drugs, and partying at the college he attended. He quickly began to fail his classes, and life wasn't looking to great at the time, owning nothing but his clothes and losing grip on reality. Larry had always had a dream of owning a motorcycle and traveling the world on the open road, however with no job, an alcohol/drug problem there wasn't much hope for him.

    During one of the parties Larry attended he met a man named Montgomery, a rather sketchy character who seemed to be doing well money-wise. He approached Larry and offered him some drugs. Larry gladly accepted and quickly became good friends with Montgomery. A few weeks passed and Montgomery started to trust Larry which led to him offering Larry a job as a pusher. He wanted Larry to push his drugs on the college campus, which would eventually give Larry enough money to buy his first bike.. A lovely black gargoyle with a blue pearlescent, Larry's first wife.

    The business with Montgomery was going great, and they eventually started pushing the drugs to different college campuses around the country which allowed Larry to live the dream of living his life on the open road, whilst also earning quite a bit of money. Montgomery also started sending Larry to assist in some of his gun deals around the country, helping manufacturing them, transporting them, and getting rid of them to different groups.

    One day Montgomery called Larry about a massive gun-deal that was going down just outside Reno at an abandoned warehouse. Montgomery wanted Larry to take the lead on it and sell a truckload of MP5's, M4A1's and a couple of other pieces to a security group. Larry prepared everything, got some of their guys together and rode out towards the warehouse. Little did he know that it was all a set up. Montgomery had been caught during one of his past jobs and essentially set up a deal with the FIB. The FIB was interested in the person who had pushed all his gear and drugs around the country, and Montgomery sold him out to save his own ass.

    Larry went to prison for 5 years which is were he met a man who would change his life forever... Victor Vasquez. When Larry got into prison in Reno he had no one. He struggled with withdrawals from his drinking & drug problems, as well as staying alive in a rather ruthless prison. Victor Vasquez took him in as one of his own and offered him protection for the most part of his prison time. They would talk motorcycle culture, life on the road, and Larry quickly learned about Black Lotus MC. Victor taught Larry about the motorcycle culture, and when they both were released he took Larry in as a prospect. Larry spent a while earning his patches, and finally blossomed like a Black Lotus in the murkiest of waters.

    A few rather bad things happened in Reno, Black Lotus MC was raided in quite an aggressive fashion, the president of the Reno charter, Sampson Vasquez was taken by the FIB, and things weren't looking too good. Victor, Dallas, Larry and a couple of other members laid low for a bit, until they heard that Big Kyle took over the Reno charter in Sampsons place. Big Kyle wished for a variety of Black Lotus members to fly out to San Andreas to start a new charter of Black Lotus. Victor would take on the role of president, Dallas his step brother would be the Vice President, and Larry would be their advisor, but also the Road Captain of the charter.


    "Shane you're a f******* idiot"