Lorren Anders

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  • Lorren Anders

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 9"
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Chicago, Illinois, USA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Lt. Lorren Anders, US Navy


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Brianna Anders (Wife)


    • Occupation:
      Medical Director; Chief of Surgery, Chief of Discipline. Member of the Board of Medicine.
    • Faction Affilations:
      San Andreas Medical Services


    Lorren stands fairly tall at five foot nine inches and is well built, he is muscular from working out and has a decent cut about him, his legs and back are particularly well muscled. Lorren's shoulders are very wide and he says it's from his “swimmer's build”. Lorren wears glasses to help correct his vision, they compliment his angular face. He has Blonde hair and remains clean-shaven. His hair is short, but not military short, he has let it grow out since the service yet he still keeps it more moderate than most. Lorren has green eyes, with a scar slightly above his right eye from shrapnel, along with a GSW scar on his chest..


    Lorren was born in 1989 In Chicago, Illinois to a single mother who was only fifteen. When Michelle found out that she was pregnant with Lorren things in her life only got harder. Her Boyfriend of the time left her, Her father with whom she was living closed the door on her and told her to never come back. Depressed and pregnant Michelle decided to put the baby up for adoption.

    During the adoption process Michelle, who was a nerd by all rights, had yet another meeting to go through with potential parents, and Michelle a slightly antisocial nerd, had decided to bring a science fiction novel, Ender's Game, along with her to the dinner. Once she arrived, and the interviewing couple arrived it turned out the husband was also reading Ender's game, a flurry of nerd talk swirled around the table and Michelle decided that these two were the ones for her unborn child.

    Lorren was born on December 20th 1989 and was given to his adoptive family immediately, However, they would keep in close contact with his birth mother as they raised Lorren. Lorren had a very nice childhood with his adoptive parents, Bonding close to his father a bit more than his mother, which still causes him guilt to this day, his new adoptive father, Craig, was an electrician at a nearby automotive assembly plant. His mother was a Dispatcher for the police for a lot of Lorren’s early childhood. Once Craig and Sue adopted Lorren’s brother, Anton, from Russia Sue, left her job at dispatch and became a computer teacher.

    Lorren’ Grade School years were uneventful, yet fruitful. Lorren was fairly intelligent and always did well during testing. He particularly enjoyed history, Gym, and computers. These would give a good shaping to most of his later life as they have become fascinations for him.

    During Highschool Lorren would participated in Swimming, track, and Cross country. During his senior year, Lorren would experience his first relationship and also take his varsity cross country team to state, Placing second behind his best friend Aaron Winters.

    When the Navy came recruiting to Lorren’s High School he showed a vast interest. Deciding to take the ASVAB Lorren decided to pursue a career in the Navy. After much deliberation eventually he decided to join the medical programme. After completing Officer school and being awarded the rank of LT after deployment during OEF, Lorren Anders Served aboard the USNS Mercy, where he served with distinction with a large team under the jurisdiction of Rear Admiral David Thorne, Lorren’s immediate team was placed under the command of Commander James Wilson. When Cmdr Wilson was transferred to another posting Lorren assumed duty as IC for the medical wing of the USNS Mercy.

    Upon leaving the Navy Lorren would continue to serve in the medical field, serving at a local Chicago center that also doubled as an outreach program to the city's troubled south side. Using his vast experience from within the navy, along with his discipline and focus Lorren would go on to complete all civilian qualifications, and attend all classes needed to become a spinal surgeon. Upon completion of Lorren’s Fellowship he started to feel stagnant within the city of Chicago, wishing for a varied locale and a place where he could once again make a name for himself he bought a ticket and moved to Los Santos after receiving news that some of his former crewmates where serving at a hospital there

    Lorren Anders is currently a doctor for SAMS. Where his career has been exemplary, starting as a resident in the summer of 2021 Dr. Anders has now risen to Chief of Surgery, an accomplishment he wears with pride. He has recently taken the position of Chief of Discipline with the SAMS Disciplinary Team, As well as accepted a nomination for a Board of Medicine Appointment.


    • “I’ll Fix em, You find out why they died” - To Dr. Moore
    • “It’s JUST a craniotomy” - To Rn. Rayquel
    • "Solid copy on last" - To all SAMS
    • Anders has one GSW scar on his left breast.
    • Anders detests Macaroni and Cheese.