Martin Barrera

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  • Martín Barrera

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 11"
    • Birthdate:
      November 18th, 1998
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Alejandro Barrera (father/deceased)
      Verónica Barrera (mother/deceased)


    • Occupation:
    • Faction Affilations:
      The Misfits, Six Palms Syndicate (formerly)


    Martín Barrera is a criminal and member of The Misfits.


    Martín Barrera was born in the bustling border town of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua to Alejandro Barrera and Verónica Barrera. As a young boy, Martín was raised in a home filled with love and warmth, despite the rough surroundings of their neighborhood. His father, Alejandro, was a high-ranking member of the Juárez Cartel, a powerful criminal organization involved in drug trafficking and other illegal activities. Despite his role in the cartel, Alejandro was a kind and attentive father who provided for his family and ensured they always had everything they needed.

    Verónica, on the other hand, was a homemaker who devoted her life to caring for Martín and his younger sister, Maria. She was a loving mother who instilled strong values and a sense of morality in her children. Despite the dangers of living in a place like Ciudad Juárez, Martín and Maria were able to enjoy a relatively normal childhood, thanks to their parents' hard work and dedication.

    However, everything changed when Martín was two years old. Alejandro, tired of the violence and corruption that came with being a member of the Juárez Cartel, decided to leave the organization and seek a better life for his family in the United States. It was a risky move, as the cartel was known for its ruthless retaliation against those who betrayed it. But Alejandro was determined to give his family a chance at a brighter future, and so he arranged for them to be smuggled across the border into Las Venturas.

    The Barrera family settled in a small apartment in the city, and Alejandro took on odd jobs to make ends meet. It was a difficult time, as they were constantly looking over their shoulders, worried that the cartel would find them and punish them for Alejandro's betrayal. But they persevered, and in 2005, they were granted asylum status by the Government.

    For a while, things seemed to be looking up for the Barrera family. Alejandro was able to secure a steady job as a mechanic, and Verónica was able to stay at home and take care of the children. Martín and Maria were able to attend school and make friends, and the family was finally able to relax and enjoy some sense of normalcy.

    Unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived. In March of 2013, Alejandro was kidnapped by the Juárez Cartel and publicly executed as a warning to others who might consider leaving the organization. The news of Alejandro's death hit Martín and his family hard, and they struggled to come to terms with the loss.

    Verónica, already struggling with the stress and fear of living in hiding, turned to alcohol as a way to cope. She became heavily dependent on alcohol, drinking constantly each day. In October of 2016, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

    Martín, now a young adult, did everything he could to help his sick mother. He dropped out of school and took on a job as a mechanic, working long hours to earn as much money as possible to pay for Verónica's medical expenses. But despite his efforts, the costs of her treatment were too high, and the money from his job was not enough. Desperate to find a way to pay for his mother's care, Martín turned to buying and distributing drugs and other controlled substances.

    His involvement in the illegal drug trade brought him into frequent contact with the Las Venturas Police Department, and many of these interactions were unpleasant. Martín was often mistreated and harassed by the police, who saw him as nothing more than a criminal. These experiences shaped Martín's view of the police, and he developed a deep hatred for them. He became increasingly resistant to authority and would often lose his temper when confronted by the police.

    Despite Martín's best efforts, Verónica's health continued to deteriorate. In late 2017, she succumbed to her illness and passed away. Martín was devastated by the loss of his mother and struggled to come to terms with her death.

    Feeling lost and alone, Martín turned to the only thing that seemed to offer him a sense of purpose: the criminal underworld. He joined an up-and-coming gang called the Six Palms Syndicate, a criminal organization operating in the Las Venturas area. The Syndicate specialized in a wide range of illegal activities, including racketeering, extortion, narcotics and weapons trafficking.

    Martín quickly rose through the ranks of The Syndicate, thanks to his street smarts, resourcefulness, and willingness to take risks. In early 2021, he was sent by The Syndicate to Los Santos to gather intel on potential drug smuggling locations and local criminal organizations. The Syndicate was planning to expand into the area, and Martín's mission was to assess the lay of the land and report back to his superiors.

    However, while Martín was in Los Santos, the Six Palms Syndicate fell into a civil war that ultimately led to its disbandment. Martín was stranded in the city, with nowhere to go and no way to get back to Las Venturas. Feeling lost and alone, he decided to stay in San Andreas and try to build a new life for himself.


    • "I'm a great driver, what do you mean!"
    • "I hope your cop car wasn't blown up at a gas station or anything..."
    • He's not great at driving.