Mason Barnes

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  • Mason Barnes

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    Mason Barnes is currently an employee with Public Works


    Mason Barnes was born on 03/09/1996 in Virginia Beach, VA. He was a single child, and does not have any siblings.

    Growing up, Mason did not have the perfect American home. At two years old, Mason’s mother - Sindy, left their father. The reason for this is she decided to move back closer to home and their father, Jason, was never there for his children. Mason grew up as a child in Denver, Colorado. Here he quickly learned that his favorite color was green and that his favorite food was pizza and just a cheese pizza. Mason never really liked to overcomplicate things. If it was simple, he’d more than likely enjoy it. Because Mason grew up in Colorado, he loved the outdoors and never wanted to be inside. Because of this, he learned at a young age how to communicate well with others, and loved being around people. Mason was very active in sports as a child growing up. He loved to play baseball and football. He was decent at both sports, but wouldn't be considered the best of the best.

    Throughout high school, Mason really started to understand what not having a father around really meant. Mason had to learn things on his own, and never really had that father figure around to be there for him. Luckily, his uncle, Peter, took responsibility for that role. Mason’s Uncle Pete would constantly bring him to Nascar races, take him hunting and fishing, and overall help him in areas where a father should. Mason really learned a lot from his uncle and is very appreciative of all that he has done for him. After high school, Mason took a different path from everyone else. In his graduating class, only a few people followed the same path. And that was, to join the military. Mason decided to join and serve in the United States Army.

    Though Mason loved the interactions and experiences he had in school, he never liked the actual educational side of it. Mason enlisted into the Army as Infantry (11B) on 7/20/2013 at the age of 17. Here he went to Basic Combat Training at Fort Benning, GA. Mason was selected by his cadre to attend Airborne school. After graduating basic and completing airborne school, he was assigned to Fort Bragg, North Carolina where he served with the 82nd Airborne Division. Mason served 1 tour in Afghanistan in 2014. After his tour overseas, Mason decided that he did want to get a degree. Mason thought since the military would pay for his degree, he mind as well utilize his time wisely. Mason earned an Associates's Degree in Criminal Justice. After his contract of 4 years, he got out of the military.

    Mason has recently arrived in the city and was looking to make a new name for himself. Once he was familiar with the city, Mason worked as a part-time employee doing GoPostal deliveries. He quickly realized that he wanted to do something that had more of an impact, not only for himself but for the city as a whole. That's why he decided to go out and reach for a career in Public Works. As a new employee here, he's doing whatever he can to stand out and do the best that he can.
