Nigel Barrington

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  • Nigel Barrington

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 8"
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      London, England
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      In Love
    • Relatives:
      - Mazikeen Barrington - Daughter
      - Gray Barrington - Son
      - Griffyn Barrington - Daughter
      - Griff Barrington - Brother
      - Emily Barrington - Sister


    • Occupation:
      Senior State Prosecutor

    • Faction Affilations:


    During daylight, Nigel is the man of the moment. High-profile lawyer and businessman, it wouldn’t surprise me if you had seen him having dinner with the Mayor or playing golf with a judge. However, everyone has their secrets, and Nigel’s is his past life of crime.

    Ever since the early 1700s, his family has carried entrepreneurism in their blood, after all it isn’t every day that a poor-born blacksmith is able to become a banker. One thing led to the other.

    As a kid it’s hard to understand everything that goes around you. For Nigel, having huge family dinners in an expensive villa was just another Sunday; a few strange men carrying guns at the door was just overprotection; and, of course, the occasional women going in and out of dad’s room must have been love.

    Eventually, as he grew up, he started connecting the dots. I think one just lets himself go. After all, this was the reality Nigel has always known, for him, all of this was perfectly ordinary. You might know that Nigel is a lawyer, but you might not know exactly why. He was 15, I think, he was supposed to have gone to bed, but instead he wanted to ask his father if he could finally taste that scotch whiskey he had been given by a friend. In his father’s study, the door was ajar, inside, his father had his back turned to a businessman. He was begging, saying he could pull them out of that hole, but his father had had enough and gave the call. He saw Mark, a family friend, strangle the man with wire. You’d think this would lead Nigel out of there, but you don’t know his family, you don’t know their ways – they’re as close as a family can be and that event only made him closer to them, even if no one else ever knew he was there that night.

    Back home in the United Kingdom he was known as The Briefcase, you might guess why. Brown leather, that’s expected, but it was the golden lion engraved on the front and the golden key serving as locking mechanism that made that briefcase define the man in question. A few years ago, Nigel’s face was on every paper’s cover at the time of the massive Sewer’s Fiasco. You see, his family had been accused of many crimes, all because of an undercover investigator inside the organization. Nigel’s motto is Strength with Finesse and that’s how he always operates. Sure, there are threats and bribes and there is violence, but most of the case was actually won on the Court’s premises, believe it or not, that’s how good Nigel is. The day his family was cleared, outside the courthouse, there was a tongue on top of a sewage manhole, which is where the name comes from. You can deduce who used to own that tongue.

    As we’ve stated before, ambition runs in the family, and Nigel’s dream has always been that of establishing a legitimate law firm, which is why when he proposed to move to America his family was extremely supportive. He already had the name, the funds and the acquaintances – his firm was already established in the first six months of his arrival. So far, his most famous cases are a huge class action concerning the People vs the State of San Andreas. Of course, his company keeps two books. When starting, he maintained some of his family’s business as well as some local endeavors as well.

    So much work has left him close to no time to go home visit his family or to have a family of his own here on the other side of the Atlantic, hell, he hasn’t even had much time for a glass of whiskey in his room, but that’s how Nigel works, that’s his reason to be, to stop would be the same as dying.

