Noah Parker

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  • Noah Parker

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6FT - 183cm
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      LSPD Officer
    • Faction Affilations:
      Los Santos Police Department


    Noah Parker is an Officer with the Los Santos Police Department. Always ready to help out. He sometimes suffers from an existensial crisis where he thinks greater beings are in control and watching everything he does.


    Parker grew up in a pretty healthy and happy family until he was around 12 years old. On their way to Parker's grand parents, Parker and his mom had a car crash when his mom got distracted while crossing an intersection. A semi-truck hit their vehicle doing 45 mph, the vehicle started spinning out and eventually hit a pole. The driver side of the vehicle absorbed the impact fully, making Parker's mother pass away on the spot. On the other side of the intersection, 4 cars down was a police officer, Trooper Reagan, that witnessed the whole event. He immediately got to action and notified emergency services. Trooper Reagan noticed Parker in the vehicle, secured Parker from the vehicle and brought him to safety on the side of the road to check up on him. While waiting for other emergency services to arrive, a drunk driver with police officers following him was driving in the opposite direction and hit the wreck again. It took a lengthy period of time for Noah to process this, especially as a young kid. Witnessing the whole scene, Noah never forgot how the help of the people in emergency services can save lives and he determined to join them one day. He almost tells no one about his parents and will try to avoid the topic when it's brought up. He prefers telling people his parents are alive and well than telling the truth.

    In his teenager years, Noah focussed his studies on computer technologies. Helping friends out with their computers and later even set up a few online stores. He signed up for Police Academy and passed with success. Unfortunately, there was no position available, due to some paperwork issues less spots were available than people passing the academy. So Noah got the opportunity to take an IT role in the department, taking care of the network and computers while waiting for a spot to open. This never happened and he felt like he was stuck in the IT position. Noah then decided to move to San Andreas and start fresh.

    When Noah arrived in Los Santos, everything started moving pretty fast. He signed up for an open spot in the LSPD, secured a spot and was allowed to start training.

    During training Noah had a ride-along with Andrew Ducksworth, which by the end of that patrol radically changed how Noah looked like. A simple traffic stop for speeding at the LSIA mechanic shop turned out to Noah losing his manbun and stubby beard and gaining a mohawk and viking beard. There may have been an axe involved too. This gave Noah the nickname "Belgian Viking". Today, the beard is a bit trimmed and the mohawk hair is no longer standing up straight, but the overall image is still there.

    There's a rumor of Noah building up a record of blown up cars and sending cars to the bottom of the ocean.

    Noah has a big scar on his ribs that goes to the armpit from a shark bite that he got after chasing Kimberly Johnsen in the water.


    • "Allegedly"
    • Lover of Boba Tea Known as The Belgian Viking Known as BBQ Known as Shark Bait Hoo Ha Ha