Richard "Richie" Holiday

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  • Richard "Richie" Holiday

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 11"
    • Birthdate:
      22 August 1983
    • Birthplace:
      Washington Beach, Vice City
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Paramedic Driver
    • Faction Affilations:


    Richard Holiday is played by MrHiJiNx. Richard is part of the EMS team at Mt. Zonah Medical Center.


    Richie lived a decent life in Vice City growing up but ultimately moved to Liberty City. He was able to stay out or the criminal underworld of Liberty City for quite some time. Richie attended LCU and acquired his RN. The economy was a little bit unstable in Liberty City but he was able to be hired at Holland Hospital Center. Richie was tossed around like a salad for a bit inside Holland Hospital Center swapping between paramedic driving and actual nursing in the ER. Richie ultimately ended up bored with Holland Hospital Center so he enlisted in the Air Force. During his tenure he had the time of his life picking up a new skill of aircraft maintenance. After some time he decided to go into the reserves and go back to working for HHC. Mainly because he missed his passion for saving lives and taking care of patients. When he returned it HHC was welcoming with open arms though Richie had changed from the military. He had a difficult time adjusting back to the civilian life. He became stoic and moot in some ways but still maintained his positive self. Until one day where he was on shift for EMS and he had to respond to a call alone because Liberty City was slowly going down hill and all other EMS were tied up with other calls. Richie does not like to talk about it and it still haunts him to this day. After the economic downturn he left Liberty City for a fresh start in San Andreas due to losing his job and being in the reserves for the Air Force was not enough income. The goal was to leave Liberty City's past buried and left behind and have a fresh new start with a job at Mt. Zonah Medical Center & working out of Fort Zancudo.


    • What the frick is going on
    • Richard loves anything car culture, world travel, and food.