Rueben Fox

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  • Rueben Fox

    • Status:
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    • Birthdate:
      19th February 1998
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    • Marital Status:
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    6'1ft inch, Black Haired and Bearded With Light Blue Eyes


    Rueben was born on February 19th in the early 2000s to both Derek Fox and Emily King in the town of Hastings living with his mum as from the time of his birth his parents had been separated a few months prior. With his father semi-out of the picture, his mum was more than capable to look after her newborn son. Fortunately, Rueben’s mum had a supportive family behind her every step so while she worked during the week he would spend time with his Grandparents and from his Grandparents, he would learn how to read and write basic English as his skills with English literature and language improved his grandad would notice sometimes That Reuben would Struggle to spell and even to read. His Grandad knew that dyslexia is very common in his family so he decided to get him tested, that day Rueben was diagnosed with Dyslexia which would mean he needs to try a little extra harder.

    A few years on Rueben is now 5 years old and starting school on his first day he was very nervous and cautious as this was a new setting for him being surrounded by other kids, he clung onto his mother and refused to let go until she reassured him that it will be okay, with the reassuring from his mum he would let go and finally go into this new classroom and begin his journey in the educational system. During his first few years at this primary school, he was making friends with everyone and keeping on top of his homework until something tragic at home changed that, Rueben was around the age of 12 when this situation occurred after school had finished he walked home and notice something was off, he approached the front door and noticed that the door was left open, he slowly pushed the door open and out of the corner of his eye he noticed this mother was face down lying unconscious on the floor. he rushed in mumbling “please please be okay” with tears slowly trickling down his innocent cheeks, he tries to wake her up but without any success. Reuben at this point was scared and crying and he did what he only knew and that was to call 999 which he did. A few minutes later the police arrived to assess the situation and they saw Reuben sitting on his knees crying his eyes out. The Officers decided to move him away so the ambulance personnel could get to her, but when they did he did nothing but kick and scream for his mum. The Officer did his best to calm Reuben down trying to distract him from the situation. Once his mum was out of Reuben's sight and the officer asked if there was a place where he could stay awhile and Rueben slowly nodded his head and said his grandparents. From then we would live with grandparents; this would affect Reuben in such a negative way he would barely pass his tests in secondary school.

    Throughout his secondary school days, he wouldn't be in the same mindset as he was during primary school, he would act up such as messing around during lessons and not taking his test seriously; this was his unfortunate undoing and this continued throughout the years while he was in secondary school. After the fact when he finished, he barely got any good grades but he managed to get C’s in all his Major Subjects such as math and English. After the secondary, he was bouncing from job to job making money where he could. He saw this Advert on the tv that a new city is opening up and it was inviting anyone from all walks of life to come over and live there and start a new, which Reuben liked the idea and applied

    It's now 2023 Rueben managed to scrape together a few thousand pounds and he received an email stating his visa has been accepted, at this point in his life it was just him and his mum, he went home to see his mum and let her know what he was about to do, she did get upset but she was proud of him making such a big step in his life, with the encouragement from his mum he books the next flight to LS and turned all his money into dollars and off he went to start a new life.
