SAMS Psychology Department

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  • San Andreas Psychology Department

    • Department Head
      Dr. Bella Wilson-Thompson
    • Psych Supervisors
      Drake Paxton
      Markus Schneider


    Mental Health Services is a major department out of San Andreas Medical Services. Headed by Dr. Bella Wilson-Thompson and Dr Helena Wren, the department is used for a wide range of needs, from criminal psychology to general counselling.

    The Psychology Department utilizes Parson's Rehabilitation Center and an office on Great Ocean Highway. They can also consult on patients that come through the ER. Parsons is a secured centre for those in need of immediate psychological help and is where a majority of psychological evaluations happen.


    On the November 3rd, 2023, Parsons recieved an overhaul, with new psychologist officers, a revamped main building and numerous other works.

    Department Events:

    On November 8th 2023, the psychology department held an open house to show off the renovations and landscaping changes done to Parsons.

    On November 11th, they held an event for Government employees to meet with therapists for 'walk-in' sessions of 15-20 minutes.


    Medical DirectorBella Thompson
    Psych SupervisorMarkus Schneider
    Psych SupervisorDrake Paxton
    Psych StaffAnnie Steele-Wren
    Psych StaffRose Brooks
    Psych StaffBuffy Wren
    Psych StaffStephen Hemlock
    Psych StaffAlexandra Constantine
    Psych StaffNathan Oliver
    Psych StaffMaggie Maple
    Psych StaffHeidi Case
    Psych ResidentCordelia Bates
    Psych ResidentMalachi Dame
    Psych ResidentEmberlynn Edwards-Smoak
    Psych ResidentLewis Knight
    Psych ResidentKarmen Brown
    Psych ResidentBriar Grimrose


    The entire State of San Andreas