Scott Flanagan

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  • Scott Flanagan

    • Status:
      Raising Hell
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6' 2"
    • Birthdate:
      September 23, 1994
    • Birthplace:
      Kilmood, Ireland
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Red Headed Step Child (By Skylar Bathory)


    • Marital Status:
      In A Relationship With Emmy Solvoll
    • Relatives:
      Birth Mother: Lyla Reagan
      Birth Father: Cameron Reagan
      Brothers: Connor Reagan, Jarrod Pugilese
      Mom (Adopted): Charlotte Paige
      Dad (Adopted): Ernest Flannagan
      Step Brother: Sean Callanan
      Daughter: Zara Stratton
      Sons: Joey Angelo, Daniel Strickland
      Grandkids: Miguel Mackeen-Tod, Lulu Moon


    • Occupation:
      Manager Wicked Repairs
    • Faction Affilations:


    A tall pale Irishman with long hair that is either always its natural orange or a dark grey. His eyes are a bright blue and jawline sharp as he looks sometimes demonic when interrogating someone. Covered in tattoos on his built body Scott is recognizable in a crowd by two ways, his tattoos or his voice. He typically is kind to those who deserve and an unforgiving force for those that do not.


    Separated from his twin brother after birth, Scott was raised in both Ireland and America.. The only thing he knew of his parents is that they were drunks with a cruel sense of humour, naming an Irishman Scott. Raised by an abusive cousin Scott grew up hating life and focused on his schooling to get away from this heathen of a relative. At 18 he joined the military, which did not help his mental health at all, and he was soon discharged. Alone, broke and full of sorrow Scott sought out a way to make a living. He found it working for a small-time connect down at the Vice City docks. He had slowly pushed his way up to the more expensive side of pushing, but at the end of the day, it barely paid the bills.

    20 years old, in Vice City, running Cocaine and Meth to stay afloat. Scott would find himself on the docks slinging Coke to sailors and Meth to the addicts. Occasionally beating one down to get his money, he quickly rose to the top of the dock and was respected by all. Until the Cartel got wind of this. Taken 86 miles out with a cinderblock to his leg, Scott for sure thought he was dead. Right as he was about to jump the crew leader walked up the stairs from below, threw his two men overboard, yanked Scott back, and told him in a thick Hispanic accent “You. Work. For. ME.” Nothing he could do Scott muttered “Aye” and the two went back to the dock while his men begged and pleaded with their boss to “Not choose some gringo over us”.

    This Cartel boss was impressed with Scott’s earning, the way he slung the Coke and Meth was unlike anything seen before. Quickly becoming the top earner in the crew and keeping the boss impressed Scott began to have eyes for his daughter. The boss approved but his daughter did not. Scott kept $25,000 for himself and gave everything else he owned to the boss in order to appease him for what he was about to lose, his best drug dealer. Scott boarded the next flight to Oregon where, thanks to his brother reaching out, he knew he had some family. Scott quickly joined a gang, which pissed Connor off, this led to infighting amongst the two and Connor warned him not to get too involved. Too late.

    Life was going good for Scott, he had a girl, money, and a gang to back him. His popularity however did not go over well with his gang leader and she attempted to murder him during a robbery to stage it as a robbery gone wrong. She shot him in the stomach three times and lit the back room on fire. His then-girlfriend Irene saved him from assured death by stealing a friend’s car and pulling him out of the building in time before the cops arrived. Near-death, bleeding profusely, and hallucinating; Scott saw Irene as his guardian angel and fell deeper in love with her. Shortly after she saved him and got a corrupt doctor to patch him up, Scott dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him. She said yes.

    All good things must end is a saying often said in life. This was true for Scott in the long run. After being hired for Jules Real Estate and marrying his girlfriend, she cheated on him with an officer and he returned to a life of crime. Hiding his feelings for his boss, Layla, and continuing to work for her while selling copious amounts of marijuana seeds to clients. His sales increased to an exponential amount of both houses and dope seeds which raised suspicion with a cop named Riley. She began an investigation but got too close and fell for Scott. During this time, she tried to turn him into an informant. But Scott held her at bay, giving her false information and keeping his name good on the streets.

    While Scott was able to keep his name clear, he linked up with an old ally named Rayne. He and Rayne started a motorcycle crew that would go on to bring chaos and bloodshed to their enemies. Selling the last of his seeds and accumulating wealth, Scott retired from Real Estate with a cushion of money to supplement the crew. Buying a clubhouse, bikes, and cuts for everyone secured his spot as treasurer. This would not last for long unfortunately as one of the members would turn on Scott and without proof to back his story up and justify the killing, Scott would turn to his friend Flaco for backup. They created a crew and gave Rayne an ultimatum to join them or become one with the ground.

    All good things must end, this is a theme in Scott’s life. Flaco fled the city after attempted murder on a Judge. This left Scott to seek a job as a car salesman and get capital to leave as well, as his endeavors had left his bank account empty. Gathering enough capital to get him the hell out of dodge while keeping the authorities at bay he set his sights on Los Santos. A city that never sleeps and a city that smells of corruption.

    Landing in Los Santos

    The title sounds like a song from Three Doors Down, which coincidentally was the song playing as the plane touched down. Stepping off that plane was going to change Scott's life again. He got back into his ways of being a pothead, a biker, a miscreant...his life was that of an MC member again. Taking up the patch of Sgt. At Arms for his friend Shedrick, he knew that as the right hand of the President of The Lost MC he would have a rough life. But a life he loved. Which he did, days of drinking, smoking, and riding bikes were the best. Then the dark days came. Shortly after getting together with his now Ex-Fiance Cara Samson, Scott and Shedrick entered into a war with the Russian Bratva.

    The war. The first war for The Lost in what seemed like ages. Bloody, dark, and heartbreaking. Scott witnessed his loved ones shot in front of him after allegedly killing a member of the Bratva. Snapping something in his head, his wicked ways turned to that of caution. The thought of losing not only his President and VP, but seeing as they were respectively his best friend and his then-girlfriend, sent him into protection mode. Wanting to end the war at all costs, his sponsored Prospect Dakota Rossi picked up on this and with his own motivations for ending this war ended up taking his kutte off. Resulting in the unfortunate event of him being labeled "The Unforgiven". The war ending with no definitive "winner" and with Dakota being placed in a coma, when he was able bodied again, The Club voted. Unforgiven was not what Scott wanted and he argued for days that everything Dakota did was to protect his family. This started another change in Scott, one that will lead him to where he is now, he started noticing how bullshit politics in every way were.

    Lost No More

    The Lost MC were falling apart, their Seargent no longer wholeheartedly believing in them. His now fiance whispering in his ear how they'd be much happier if they were to leave. Noticing how his President suffered every day with the weight on his shoulders, how it ate at him...they needed an out. Another war at their doorstep not shortly after the whole Bratva situation, Scott's mind in a whirlwind after Dakota's death. He decided with Cara to sit down with Shedrick and talk about their options. Leaving was the only option other than constant bloodshed, and leaving Shedrick to deal with it was not on the table. Using business connections they reassured themselves that they'd have somewhere to go, something to do, a place to belong even after everything ceased with The Lost MC.

    The vote was to be tallied that night. At the table, they tried explaining it to their Enforcer Arthur Reid to no avail. He stormed off and came back violent, what's one more night of bloodshed to end a life of misery? With one of the boys putting Arthur down and disposing of his unconscious body, the vote continued. All in favor? David, Daniel, Joey, Shedrick, Cara, and Scott were an aye. Kash Keller was the only nay. Kash given the patch of President was then the only Lost MC member and they proceeded to patch over to Legion MC.

    New Beginnings

    Bullshit. That's what new beginnings are. The crew with no formation, no structure. Scott, Shedrick, Cara are all leading and the others are supposedly going to be given a voice. They tried and it was successful for a time, then things began to change. Scott tired of being a gun and wanting to contribute more than just muscle to the group put in to Co-Own PDM with Alistair Samson in order to gain information for the group and be able to fund expeditions. But the weight was too much and Scott eventually crumbled in one of the worst ways, leaving his Fiance. The split hit Scott hard even though it was his decision and he sunk himself into work. Wanting to make PDM a viable source of income for himself and Alistair. Which for a time it was until Scott began to spend less time outside the apartment and had to take a hands-off approach to run the business.

    New Era

    Two months into PDM Scott was feeling the strain of owning a business that was going nowhere, making no money, employees barely making ends meat. He decided alongside Alistair to hand the keys to the building over to Charlee McNeal. Shortly after this transaction was complete he was asked to witness the marriage of Charlotte Flanagan (then Paige) and Ernest Flanagan, his not legally adopted mother and father. Who after their wedding decided to adopt their misfit sons Scott Reagan (Now Flanagan) and Sean Callanan (he's a disappointment that didn't take his dad's name).

    Working to get his dream car via oddjobs and criminal work was never meant to lead him to the new branch of his life. Surely he'd never meet someone wanting to spend their time with him, a manager of Benefactor (now Luxury Autos), yet he did. Naive as ever he merely sought to be a friendly ear, that friendly ear turned into a blossoming relationship. Months later, a new MC later, and now solo dolo again. She has stood by his side, building him up and helping him recognize his dreams as he helps hers prosper.


    • "Scott's Meat Shop, where you can beat our meat but not our prices. Scott speaking."
    • "Fuck"
    • "Jesus fuckin christ"
    • "I swear to fuckin god"
    • "Fuck you an' the horse ya rode in on"
    • "I'll fuck you up"
    • "The feck ya mean my favorite word is fuck ya fuckin fuck"
    • "Look I'm not a religious man, but ya better start fuckin prayin"
    • "I don't fuckin like you"
    • Scott hates liars
    • He served as an explosives expert in the US Army in a bomb defusal unit
    • He was raised by the IRA but surprisingly is not a member himself at this time
    • He's a hopeless romantic that tends to get himself hurt more than others
    • He has been told he looks like Geralt of Rivia with grey hair
    • His favorite weapon is a pipe wrench
    • He had been a member of an MC for years
    • All of his tattoos were done by Ophelia Flynn before she passed away