Shawn Omen

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  • Shawn Omen

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Vestfold, Tønsberg, Norway
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Mr Manager man


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Petter Omen (Deceased)
      Sara Omen (Deceased)
      Alex Solvoll-Omen (Son)
      Kaydence Solvoll-Omen (Daugther)


    • Occupation:
      Manager for Los Santos Go-Kart Center
      Manager for Full Send Repair
      Employee for Wicked Motors
    • Faction Affilations:
      Full Send Repair
      Wicked Motors
      Los Santos Go-Kart Center
      Redline Miami


    Currently working as a Manager for Full Send Repair Wear & Tear. Humble and joker yet can switch to serious when need be. Shawn's interest involves working around cars and taking them to their limits. He hangs out with friends and the people he cares for most. Shawn lives in the moment and has little care for regrets in the past and is all about having a good time for himself and the people around him.


    Shawn was born in Tønsberg, Norway raised by his parents Sara and Petter Omen. When Shawn was 7 he lost his mom from sickness. His dad took on the responsibility of raising him and making sure he could take care of himself. His dad was an experienced mechanic so Shawn would spend a lot of time at his dad's local shop working on cars. He quickly learned how to take on restoration projects and rebuild cars from the ground up. When he turned 18 he got his license and to celebrate he and his dad went out to test one of their old german 1990s project cars. While they were out driving they noticed some strange noise coming from the engine bay. His dad said not to worry about it and that old cars were bound to make some unusual noise. Shawn felt unsure but let it slide since he trusted him. A few minutes pass and they noticed a driver driving very aggressively. The driver tried to cut in front of them but Shawn refused to let that attitude slide. The driver got angry and started pushing on their right fender. After a few hits, the car made a loud noise and the steering had cut off the car. The driver hit them another time and they weren't able to keep steady so the car hit the side barrier and flung them up in the air. Shawn came out being seriously injured while his dad passed away. The driver had driven away and was yet to be caught.

    Shawn now having to take care of himself he figured he would go in his father's footsteps and start a new life somewhere else. he borrowed some money from his dad's shop and used it to take a one-way ticket to an unknown land. He didn't know where he wanted to go, but he did know that he had to get somewhere where he could start somewhere fresh. While waiting for his check-in at the airport he read in the local newspaper about the car scene in a city called Los Santos, he searched the city and saw it was located in the state of San Andreas in the US. He looked at the flights and saw there was one heading there shortly. He quickly ordered a ticket and got on the next plane.

    His only goal is to make sure he makes his dad proud and be a great mechanic like he was.

    Now Shawn lives in North Rockford with his girlfriend Janette Solvoll and works at Full Send Repair. He has a family of 4 that consist of him and his girlfriend Janette aswell as his son Alex and daughter Kay. He spends his time of his daytime at the shop and touches into the midnight racing scene where he can test his cars and push them to their limits. On his days off he hangs out with his closest friends: Reggie, Markus, Skye, Steven, Elsa, Eugene, Rose, Theodore, Josh, Gale, John, Lachlan, Ty and Willella. Doing all sorts of stuff from just chilling somewhere talking or doing random activites such as scuba diving, parachuting and off roading.

    After the leaving of his best friend and so-called brother Brian Fray and his wife Anna Fray also being a really close friend to Shawn. He has been dealing with abandonment issues which is something he has been dealing with due to them being such a huge part of his life for him and the ones the he could trust the most, but as they say "when a door closes another one opens up" and this is the example of all the new people Shawn's been meeting over the couple of weeks after they left.


    • "The past is history and the future is a mystery"
    • "Let's go babyyyy!"
    • "We out here cuh"
    • "ya know"