Stefford Johnson

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  • Stefford Johnson

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      1,85m / 6'1''
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Eindhoven -Netherlands
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      [ Has a full list of them ]


    • Marital Status:
      Single (Divorced)
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      CEO of Tophat Enterprises / B.C.P.C. Council member
    • Faction Affilations:
      Tophat Society
      U.S.Marine Corps.
      San Andreas Veterans Association.


    Your favorite local Vietnam veteran, Top hat enthusiast, council member, and Pilot

    The man himself

    Full name being Stefford Lee Johnson, he's your local old man with a heart of gold, plenty of stories, and chuck full of ambitions. From being an elegant alcoholic to being the unofficial and loving Mayor of Sandy Shores and CEO of Tophat Enterprises he's quite the man but only if you include his fine taste in fashion, drinks, and terrible sense of humor. As friendly as they come but as stand fast as needed he'll make the room smile and sure those outside of it do not ruin the mood. Always being up for a chat he's quite the people person. And with plenty of friends, he goes above and beyond for to help them out. Whether it's giving advice to taking his shirt off and ''Going John Wayne'' on someone. You can always recognize him from his Dutch accent, a glass of whiskey, or the fact that he always wears a 3 piece suit or at least a top hat unless he's in his old uniform.



    Born in the Netherlands, 1951 Stefford was raised the ''farmer's family way'', it wasn't easy as everyone was still sorta recovering from the war but he and his folks made the best of it, they then wanted to immigrate to the U.S where the future looked a little brighter, especially after what all the soldiers told him when they got liberated.

    And thus the family sold their things and packed their suitcases and bought a one-way ticket to the U.S, Knox County - Kentucky to be more specific. Once there the family started a family business in tailoring fancy suits and hats for special occasions and with a fitting slogan;

    '' a suit makes the man, whether he's at a wedding or in a coffin''

    Stefford grew up the country roads way as his town wasn't that big but it had everything he needed. He did football, looked at trucks driving up and down the highway, and did fashion shows in the store to attract customers, he did well at school, did pranks on teachers, and was a smart ass that got into one too many fights. But thankfully the Janitor was always there to save him from trouble, the Janitor also being neighbor helped a lot. luckily enough but after a few years of partying, gambling and failed relationships he got himself into some trouble the Janitor wasn't able to pull him out off...

    Stefford enlisted in the U.S.Marine Corps youth program where he got a little too excited about a future carrier.

    It's 1969 and the war in Vietnam is still in full swing, Stefford, now 18 and able to enlist he didn't hesitate to fight for his country and make his folks proud of him, or whatever motivation the Marines put into his head. During training, he Instantly grew fond of all the helicopters flying around and wanted to become a pilot. Lucky for him the marines were always looking for more pilots, and so he trained and became a rescue pilot, after a year and was shipped off to Vietnam as soon as he finished his last exam.


    After Arriving in 1970's Vietnam he, just like everyone else, grew fond of the ladies, rock music, and everything else that came with it when he was not on duty. But the war wasn't going as well as the papers were saying it was and he went up in the air more and more rescuing his brothers from the jungle, whether it was a bullet to the foot or a grenade to the face he had to airlift all of them out and did so as well as he could, until one fateful day, June 6th, 1973...

    While flying over the jungle on his way to airlift a downed helicopter crew he and his helicopter were shot down by the Vietcong while flying over the Jungle. He somehow with the luck of a thousand men nailed the crash landing, only losing most of the helicopter and every bit of cargo onboard.

    He was in the middle of the jungle surrounded by Vietcong, mosquitoes, and the swears of his co-pilot. Sadly for him, they were captured swiftly and were now captives, being blasted with communist propaganda, and surprisingly good food. After a year he grew closer to his captives and started studying their ways, beliefs, and taught them English. They soon after deemed him a ''Honorary Vietcong'' for the simple fact that he showed interest, he and his co-pilot stayed there for another 2 years. Then in 1975, the Vietnam War was over, and 24-year-old Stefford and his co-pilot were officially released and negotiated back to the U.S when he returned home


    [ click here for flashback ]

    ~Back home~

    Once home he got a few medals, pats on the back, and a death certificate that he needed to get undone. After that he left the military he just wanted a simple life, Stefford started helping his father and mother in the store. Years went by and Stefford took over the store from his folks when they died, He got married to some country girl named Daisey Johnson and took her last name as she was the only child in her family and he thought it wouldn't matter much as he had a brother to carry the family name. He had 2 kids with her, They grew up to be just as much trouble as Stefford was but he always let them be because;

    ''stupidity forces you to learn'' as his father always told him.

    Stefford is living an interesting, mostly seen at Ari's Deli, The Little Teapot or at LSIA with some SAFA friends as he's picked up flying again after a long whole. With business booming and longing for riches, Stefford started an airline ( Tophat Airlines ) with the goal of selling cheap flights, however, with the flight industry taking a nose-dive he's restructuring it into ''Tophat Enterprises'' wanting to do more than flying and providing everyone with logistical services and work closely with other Businesses. His long-term life goal being part of the ''1%'' having riches and cash to throw around and become a real ''Monopoly man'' and even involve himself in politics for the greater good of the people.

    His latest action was just that, he a Blaine County Property Commision council member in Sandy Shores the place he pretty much always lived at, and wanting it to prosper as it did back in its glory days during the '50s he took it upon himself to get it there, gaining support here and there he hopes to one day make a big difference in the county and give the people what they deserve.


    • ''Back in Nam we...''
    • ''I'm Stefford Lee fucking Johnson!''
    • Was assigned to the ''14th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron'' that operated from Da Nang airbase
    • ''Professional Alcoholic'' handles booze like a champ.
    • lucky in unlucky situations, fortune, he may not have. But it's sure as hell not misfortune either.
    • Great at Blackjack from an early age he always got accused of cheating or rigging the game.
    • Probably holds the state record for the number of nicknames he has.