Sung Ho

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  • Sung Ho

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Seoul, South Korea
    • Nationality:
      South Korean
    • Aliases:
      Rose, Korean Jesus


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Shane Stassi
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Former Little Seoul LTD Owner
    • Faction Affilations:
      Former Yokai


    Sung Ho was a character role played by George Costello.


    Sung Ho was an only child born into a rich family from Seoul, South Korea. His father was a well-respected businessman while his mother was a housewife.

    From an early age, Sung began to notice that his father was no ordinary man. When they would leave the house, people passing by would stop and stare. Their eyes filled with curiosity and fear.

    By the time Sung was in his late teens, he had a full understanding that his father was helping a very good family friend in the distribution of drugs throughout South Korea and into China. His interest would grow and soon enough he would be introduced to the lifestyle his father had been living for the good part of two decades.

    Sung was trained in martial arts as a child and was expected to continue this upon being brought into his father's business. He was shown how to fire pistols and handling blades of all sizes. His interest in art resulted in Sung's father putting him into a tattoo apprenticeship in his spare time. He became quite skilled with forms of ancient Asian tattooing as well as with the gun.

    Sung married his childhood sweetheart Minna when they were both twenty-four years old. Their marriage was strong and loyal. Minna was murdered by thugs during an evening walk with Sung while the pair celebrated their third anniversary. This event shaped Sung's future, causing him to grow more compassionate to those he cared for as he felt he did not want to waste the time he had with them.

    In 2009, Sung's father started finalizing connections into America to begin establishing his empire in new countries. However, his unexpected death faltered these plans. Sung Ho eventually moved internationally to Los Santos to live a new life away from the past that haunted him. He bought into several Korean noodle house chains in the region and established them as premium cuisine.

    Establishing his Korean restaurants was never an easy job. Sung was able to hire an experienced chef from China named Shang Wei who instantly made a name for himself in the organization. The Iron Chef is what Sung dubbed him as and he was one of the most notorious chefs in the region.

    Following the success of the business and its rapid growth, Sung was able to hire more people and it was truly becoming an empire of his own.

    In early 2021, following an apprentice chef's tragic kitchen accident, Sung had to close all three restaurants indefinitely to get them renovated. This caused a great shakeup in the business as everyone was left unemployed. In a desperate attempt to continue making money, Sung purchased the Little Seoul LTD and tried to maintain his current payroll but was failing to profit. This lead to several staff cuts.

    Soon enough, Sung was left alone to the LTD, running it unsuccessfully but at least he was trying. In March of 2021, he made the decision to hire Aldin Trunley as a store manager which is who would run the store while Sung worked on other business ventures to help pay employees. The following month and a half saw a steady increase in success.

    On the 20th April 2021, Sung Ho was involved in a tragic event in the back office of the LTD building. An old friend, Norm Ale had come to the store and began an altercation. The events transpiring shortly after resulted in Norm Ale's untimely death and Sung Ho being arrested for first-degree murder. The court process was a long one but eventually he was found NOT GUILTY.


    • Sung Ho was the first owner and operator of the Little Seoul LTD within the City.
    • The three S.Ho restaurants in the city are named after him.