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  • Chorus "Crow" Deens

    • Status:
      Kickin It
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      March 4, 1996
    • Birthplace:
      Lafayette, Louisiana
    • Nationality:
      African American and Native American
    • Aliases:
      Andante (Formerly)
      Dante (Formerly)


    • Marital Status:
      Divorced. Dating Yamazaki MacKeen-Stone
    • Relatives:
      Father: Franklin “Roadkill” Deens
      Mother: Maiya Boudreaux (Deceased)
      Sister: Choir Boudreaux


    • Occupation:
      Tattoo Artist
      Bank Robber (Formerly)
      Gun Dealer (Formerly)
      Terrorist (Formerly)
    • Faction Affilations:


    Dante is a former bank robber, terrorist, and motorcycle club member, she's a southern badass with no filter, a pension for danger, and a love for terrible habits. After spending her young years in and out of juvey and her older years in the back of bank vaults with her club and other friends crime is all she knows and that's ok with her. She's mixed race, her father is black and her mother was native. Although she is a loudmouthed criminal her younger sister Choir is anything but, she is a soft spoken defense attorney. She is played by Casplaza.


    Chorus Dyna Boudreaux was born in Lafayette, Louisiana to a brilliant hippy and geologist named Maiya Boudreaux and local Sinners Motorcycle Club president Franklin "Roadkill" Boudreaux on March 4, 1996. Her childhood was far from normal, she practically grew up in her fathers club house, the patches being aunts and uncles to her, they watched her while her mother was at work and her father was out on club business. Her friends were other children of the club, her best friend being a male twin named Conrad Masters, son to the San Bernardino chapter of the Sinners, his mother Marilyn "Monroe" Masters quickly growing to love and treat Chorus as her own, although her other twin Melissa didn't have quite the same opinion as her love struck twin brother. Chorus became an older sister when her parents has another little girl three years after her birth, a darling little girl named Choir Softail Boudreaux, as sweet as she was adorable, always clinging to their mother. Maiya did her best to supply her girls with the most normal childhood she could, making sure that she did homeschooling for them everyday as it was too dangerous for them to go to public school. Their parents even gave the girls Maiya's last name so they'd be disconnected from Franklin's legacy on paper. The plan for the girls was going relatively smoothly until Chorus was 10 and her mother suddenly fell very ill, the doctors confirmed that she had cancer, it wasn't long before she had passed away, leaving her daughters and husband absolutely devastated. Franklin had usually been extremely careful with his work but after the death of his wife he went off the rails, doing reckless and dangerous shit without much thought leading to his inevitable arrest. Franklin spent the next ten years in prison for gun crafting, smuggling, and four times vehicular manslaughter, his daughters went into the care of the state, Choir ended up with a nice family that deeply wanted a child but due to Chorus' age she ended up in foster care for a few years, she quickly followed in her fathers footsteps, becoming a delinquent, starting small with vandalism and by age 13 she had started mugging people and robbing small gas stations and liquor stores. Choir's foster family allowed the girls to see each other every week end so they could still have one another in their lives that was until Chorus got caught robbing a store by the police. She was arrested and placed in juvenile detention for 3 months before spending the next three years in and out of juvey and group homes, no one willing to hold onto the violent teen for more than a few weeks.

    At age 16 she ran away from her group home, hitching rides with truckers and travelers until she ended up in southern California at the doorstep of the Masters. She explained to Marilyn everything that had happened since her mothers death, she welcomed the girl into her home without a second thought, keeping her safe and out of trouble for as long as she could. Chorus rekindled her friendship with Conrad who she nicknamed Connie, she spent three months with them, attempting to live a semi stable life with them until one night she was laying on the Master's roof, smoking a cigarette with Connie when he rolled over, kissing Chorus suddenly. Marilyn and Maiya always joked about them having crushes on each other since childhood but the moment that it came to fruition she panicked, in that second she was happy but hours later when it was dark and the family were asleep she packed up her things and ran without a sound, she knew she got too comfortable, she got too close. She made her way through California, committing minor crimes, making pocket change to get her by until she was 19 and she met Bobbie "Sidewayz" Sinclair, Sergeant at arms for the Maverick Motorcycle club and dirtbag of the century at a local bar. The two spent the whole night drinking and talking, eventually ending up in the beer storage having a drunken one night stand, that turned into a whole week of the repeated events until they made the drunk split second decision to drive to Vegas and get hitched. Afterwards Sidewayz took Chorus back to his club in Northern Cali as his Ole Lady, a position she already knew much about, it was fine at first, she'd help the club run drugs, assist with their small guns deals, and host club events. She didn't know why at the time but he soon became violent, pushing Chorus around, hitting her when she talked back, and demeaning her in front of his club but she stood by, she couldn't explain it, her father never once even raised his voice to her mother but she felt like she had no other choice. One day she went with Sidewayz, his VP, and a prospect to do a bank job, everything was going according to plan until the sheriffs rolled in with more than the crew was expecting, panicked with the idea of getting caught and knowing if he did he'd be gone for years, Sidewayz grabbed Chorus by neck and told the cops they could have her and all the warrants on her if they let the rest go. She flipped out, fighting back, attempting to take him down when he forced her down and attempted to cave her head into the concrete floor. The cops sieged the bank, taking down Sidewayz and arresting him and the prospect, the VP dying on site. Chorus was taken to the hospital where she had a shattered nose, fractured skull, and a separation to her optic nerve causing her to go 70% blind in both eyes. After she recovered she served two years in the state penitentiary for her warrants but nothing for the armed robbery as she told the police she was forced to do it by her abusive husband.

    Once out of prison she had no idea where to go with her life or what to do next, while in prison she had gathered the name "Andante", ironic in it's meaning for her as it is slow and steady, two things she simply was not but she turned it into her road name, the name she'd carry with her until her last days if she could help it. Without a plan or money to facilitate she just wandered until she enviably found her way in Los Santos, quickly make friends with two local bikers "Grim" and Mercy, both patches of the Vipers Motorcycle club, a feared and revered group of anarchists who had a chapter in the city. She hung around with them and their club, helping them do jobs and runs, their parties and events until their president cornered her outside of the liquor store and asked her a question she'd never forget, Bones in his thick Australian accent that she struggled to comprehend at times said "So I hear you want to hang with my club, that true?" she didn't know what to say so she just responded with the truth, that shit did. It didn't take long for them to bring her into the storage and toss a shit brown leather vest at her, the Vipers token prospect kutte, one proudly wore by those lucky enough to earn it. Grim informed her that he'd be taking on the role as her sponsor, he took her under his wing, the two spending the next two months together, working, hustling, pushing, and robbing until he realized that he couldn't be the sponsor she needed, she ran into trouble with the club and clashing personalities and he was too busy being her friend rather than her sponsor, not keeping her and her attitude in check. The role was taken over by a woman who hated Andante as much as she hated her, a mean purple haired woman named Charlie. The pair did not get along. During the entire time of her prospecting and even before then she had formed a close bond with two other hang arounds and eventual prospects for the club, Calvin "Nugget" Shoey and Luke "Panda" McCoy, the three dubbed themselves the "Patchless Brigade" a name they lovingly kept the four months the three of them prospected together. The boys patched in a week before Andante until the lucky day she received her very own kutte. Her time in the club was rocky and traumatic, between liars and snakes and manipulators it was hard to know who her friends and family was and who was driving the knife into her back without her knowing. She gathered true friends along the way, patched member of the Bad Omens Motorcycle club Clarke and local adorable degenerate June burger, another being one her patches own brother, a man named Ellen. Andante and Ellen were pushed together by his sister Lulu, they began to spend practically everyday together for hours at a time while she was doing mining trips and drug runs, he was always by her side while she was prospecting because she hated spending so much time alone. They were connected at the hip, a fact that scared her at first but quickly became a feeling much like home, it wasn't surprising when the two became a couple, their relationship good at times but unpredictable, often rocky and down right toxic due to Andante's own struggles, her inability to believe any of it was real and let Ellen be real. Andante realized the troubles with the clubs, often ending up facing punishments for others betrayal, she grew anxious everyday she was around, worrying when the other shoe would drop, the club would embrace her one day, robbing banks constantly and shooting the police then trying to twist everything against each other the next day.

    After two years in the Vipers, the bad began to outweigh the good, the pain growing with the days until the club fractured into two, she was done, after receiving the call that her father was going to be released from prison, she took it as her chance for a break, she left San Andres and headed home, after a fight with a reporter at her fathers welcome home party in front of dozens of other bikers and police officers, Andante found herself locked up in the county jail for battery. She spent the next month in jail until she was finally released thanks to all of the witnesses regarding that she was baited into the aggression, she packed her bags and headed home, slightly excited to be back with her family but nervous to see the Vipers, she knew how they'd react, she was out of the state for a month and a half without word, they'd be livid and ask for her kutte but she'd explain everything and hope that they could figure it out. But she never got the chance to explain, she got off the plane and headed to see them and the instant they saw her face they called an emergency church without her and voted to take her patch, she never said a word, she never got the chance, she was out. Andante was furious but she understood, there would be no fighting it, she packed up her kuttes and dropped it off at the clubhouse, never to wear them again. She begun to hang out with the last of her real family, Clarke and the other Bad Omens, they accepted her, they knew her, she loved them and she fought for them but the Vipers turned against her, twisted others she knew causing people to spread lies and hate, she was defeated, she just wanted her life back. Ellen returned to Los Santos, the two hadn't seen each other in months after a brutal breakup that left them both in pieces, they sat down and talked on New years eve, talking about everything that had happened and discovered that they missed each other and wanted to start over, give it a real shot. They packed up, said goodbye to their friends and family and moved to Louisiana together, starting a life without the hate or spite that Los Santos carried, Andante patched over to her fathers club, bought a small farmhouse with Ellen who she married soon after, they spent the next three years together. Before moving back to Louisiana Andante discovered that she had breast cancer like her mother did so when she moved home her father, sister, and husband forced her to go to an oncologist. They weren't too hopeful at first but after a successful double mastectomy Andante was cancer free, she realized it was the first time in her life that she finally felt ok and free, no longer weighed down by the inevitable reality of her own mortality, she had the stark realization that she wanted to discover herself, she spent so long attempting to be someone else, who her ex husband wanted her to be, her father, the Vipers, Ellen, wanted her to be. She loved Ellen more than anything else but she needed to set herself free, she handed him divorce papers which led to a fight she would never forget, he refused to sign, she panicked and hit him and she couldn't stop. She froze after she stopped realizing that she may have killed her husband, packed up her shit and told her father and club that she needed to go on an LOA to figure her life out.


    • "Don't be a pussy or ill give you one."
    • "I will fuck your mom and give you a sibling."
    • "It must hurt to have a dick that small."
    • "Meth is the last thing you need, I already worry about the amount of sugar in your cereal."
    • "I don't have a problem, I am a problem."
    • Davis: "We all bleed the same." Dante: "Ah yes Lime green."
    • "My hands are bisexual, anybody can catch 'em!"
    • "Hop off the cross, we need the wood."
    • "Roof chinese food is proper food!"
    • "You know me so good."
    • Dante has been a patched member of an MC for a total of six years and secretary for four of them. (Time split between two clubs)
    • Dante has been arrested and charged with terrorism after sieging Mission Row Police Department with her club with AR's.
    • She is a Pisces.
    • Her fair color is green. Obviously.
    • Dante has X shaped scars along her palms, cheeks, and mouth causing her to permanently wear her mask and gloves now.
    • She is pansexual and for a long time thought she was asexual.
    • She's had multiple reparative surgeries to her eyes after she was almost completely blinded by her ex husband, she now has about 80% vision in both eyes.
    • Dante has been married twice, her fist husband is deceased and her second is unknown.

