Theodore Cassidy-Wren

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  • Theodore Cassidy-Wren

    • Status:
      Fixing whats broken
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      United Kingdom
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Son In Law


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:

      Helena Cassidy-Wren (Wife)
      Seraphine Wren (Wife's wife)
      Buffy Cassidy-Wren (Daughter)
      Aleena Rawlin-Wren (Daughter)
      Shiloh Cassidy-Wren (Daughter)
      Sage Wren (Daughter)
      Lex Woodland-Wren (Son)
      Cecilia Cassidy(Sister In law)
      Rick Rawlin-Wren (Son In Law)
      Annie Cassidy-Wren (Grand-Daughter)
      Boris Turgenev-Wren (Grand-Daughter)



    Starting to find happiness where he is.


    So I was born March 29th 1995, to a mother who was drunk and a father who was barely present. A brother who was destructive and aggressive and a Nanny who was too busy. My father travelled with work quite a bit, bringing us with him, town to town, city to city. I was born in London though. A crappy place to spend your youth. In my younger days my Nanny would take care of me and my brother, he's on a year or two older. My Nanny would read me lullaby's in her native tongue, she was welsh which is guess why I know certain words. People just assume I'm born in Wales and grew up there but no. I agree with them too and make up little stories, I don't particularly like people knowing about my youth, It's just boring and not very nice. Anyway. My Nanny wasn't always able to look after me, although it was her job she was always busy with my brother. He tormented her, threw things, used to bite her. He just wasn't very nice. I don't mind that she wasn't there, she was more of a mother than my actual one. Whenever my Dad was about, he always took us out to the movies, or to get dinner or to the arcades. I can tell he was never fully present always thinking about work.

    Then school started, I've never been a social butterfly and will probably never be. School was really hard being moved about from school to school. I'm not the smartest unless I really focus. I was pretty good when it came to biology or Chemistry, I think it was just how simple certain aspects of it we're. Because of this I just shoved my face in books, reading anything I could find. Love, Romance, Action and Thrillers all genres didn't really matter to me. I didn't quite understand the love or romance till now. I never quite understood the feelings they talked about. Well till now, I'm what twenty seven and only just started understanding what love is like. I read a lot of medical books though, the library never really had many of them but I was allowed to put in request and so I did. Then I think when I started Primary school, I know most people here don't know what that is, but I was like nine or ten. My Dad got offered to help run a company out in Texas, and of course without any idea on what we'd do he accepted it. A week later we we're setup in some house in the suburbs of Dallas.

    My Dad was a Engineer. Mainly worked in construction but occasionally he dabbled in some private work. He pushed me and my brother to just have fun whilst we we're young and I guess he tried to show us that. He also forced us to learn certain traits so we'd have jobs no matter what at a later point. He'd send me to these classes on weekends where I'd learn about Bricklaying, Plumbing, Welding and Electrics. I hated them but I did them hoping to make him proud. It kinda ramped up when we moved to Dallas though, the classes became more frequent. The teachers would always call home and say I wasn't speaking to anyone or interacting with anyone. I just sat in a corner and read my books. Kids being kids poked fun and bullied my brother even joined in. Then one day walking home from school, I found a kitten, in a box. I took it home with me and hid it away till my Nanny found it. I was expecting to be punished but she helped me take care of it. A ten year old clearly didn't know what he was doing. We took care of it and it became my only friend. Then one day, after school I'd ran straight to my room. My brother had cornered me off in school and beat me up, him and his friends. He came home and since no one was in, he came to my room. He saw me playing with the cat and laughed, through something at me so I moved to protect the cat. He grabbed my baseball bat and beat me with it, shattered my arm and with all the force hitting my body, it killed the cat. I killed the cat. Trying to protect it I must've hurt it in some way. It's why I don't like cats.

    I spent a few days in the hospital. I came out and he hadn't been reprimanded for it, I don't think my parents even knew he did it. Not like they came to my aid at the hospital, I had a teacher come collect me in the end. I isolated myself more after that. Hide any chance I had. Then this girl from one of my classes saw me at the back of the canteen not eating, just reading. Her brothers looked at her as she walked over to me like she was walking over to some pyscho. She just stood overtop of me and asked "Why don't you ever eat?". I looked at her as if a ghost had just spoken to me, my stutter kicked in and I couldn't get a word out. She laughed and called me stupid and sat down next to me. She asked me about my books, if I had any friends and what I like to do. She then just told me "We're gonna be friends okay?". Everytime I went for lunch she'd sit with me, eventually dragged me up to sit with her brothers. I never said much, maybe whispered to her but just read my book.

    Summer came around. I was expecting to do much but the heat was just so much. So I went to the field at the end of our street and sat in a tree. Cecilia saw me walking by I guess and came and sat with me. We didn't really speak about much, we just did school work, read books and occasionally had the conversation of who do we think is cute. Of course I dabbled around the question. We did that everyday for that summer and the summer that followed. By this point we were talking a lot. I spent most weekends round her families watching movies with her, hanging out with her brothers. I don't know if they ever liked me but we didn't talk but they watched over me. I was small for my age, I didn't really grow till I was fourteen or fifthteen but they had shot up. Cecilia had me focus on my school work, my grades went from C's to A's. I think it was my fourteenth birthday. I asked to just go to the local dinar and for some books. Of course all I got was money and a card from my parents, but Cecilia's family never forgot. I knocked the door to ask if she wanted to go to the dinar and her family all came and wished me a happy birthday and said dinner was on them. Cecilia and I went to the dinar and got smoothies and just chilled for the day. She asked me something that I didn't acknowledge the first time. She asked if my brother was single. That she wanted to ask him out. I sat there confused but told her.

    Over the coming weeks she started hanging out with him. His behaviour changed around her and he was so nice and cheerful around her and always made her smile. I kept what he was actually like and did to me hidden, I just wanted to see her smile so I was okay with sucking it up. He started taking her to house parties, no matter what though she always text me to come get her. I always remember getting on my bike, my Dads R100. He wanted me to learn how to take care of vehicles but I treated this as my own. I was Fifth Teen I didn't know any better. I just remember wheeling it down the road so my Dad wouldn't hear it start and going to get her. She'd never want to go home since she was always a little drunk so we always went to the field. Sat in the tree, I was always exhausted but she was just bursting with energy. We'd always get out the tree and wheel the bike back to mine before sneaking to my room and dancing to crappy music till the sun came up and we passed out. She'd always sneak off to my brothers room in the morning and wait for him. He'd normally walk her home and come beat me black and blue. It was a pretty frequent thing, maybe happened once or twice a month. I hated Christmas so I never stayed home, we never did presents at mine, but that year Cecilia had started her first job, and she'd got me a gift. It was a little key chain. I still have it I used to wear it around my neck but now I keep it in my wallet. Anyway she got me a gift but not my brother, they'd only been together a couple months at this point and he hadn't gotten her anything. I remember walking to the ER with a broken arm, broken rib and broken nose. Told her I fell down the stairs just so she wouldn't cry.

    After new year something snapped. Cecilia never used to wear long clothing, but she started. I never thought anything of it till I caught a glimpse of her arm when she was climbing our tree. They looked like mine. All bruised and black. Something in me snapped, she was clumsy but never enough to hurt herself majorly. I knew it was something he did. So that day I went home and locked my room waiting for him. I remember how he banged and banged before breaking my lock. I remember being ready he hit me and for the first time ever I hit back. I didn't win but he wasn't expecting it. Gave him a black eye but yet again I was back in the nurses office at school saying I fell or some kids did it. I spoke to Cecilia's dad, although he wasn't one for violence he boxed occasionally and he took me to the gym with him once a week. I remember training everyday for months fighting my brother more and more. Cecilia would always get mad at me when she found new bruises on him but she started seeing more of mine then. Till it was before my sixteenth birthday, he came home before a party with Cecilia, and I heard it. The second she went home to freshen up is when I went into his room. I got the jump on him and beat him so bad he was sent to the ICU. My parents agreed it was best for me to go back to the UK. I told Cecilia it was my choice to avoid anything further but I'd write to her. For the first week it was hard. I was staying with my old Nanny. She had a family of her own but let out her spare room. I wrote to Cecilia saying that I thought about perusing a life to become a Doctor, or something to help people but now that I didn't have her to help me study my grades slipped, not massively but they dropped. It was okay being back in London best part was I finished Highschool that year. I finished and asked if Sarah(The Nanny) if she remembered my parents signatures. She said yes but asked why and I said I needed some paperwork for college. She signed the papers without checking. She signed the documents to let me join the military. I went to Harrogate and trained to become a medic. Then once I finished my basic infantry and medical course I applied to get my MD. The army accepted but it meant going to Boston to attend the university. It was weird, everyone in that class was twenty one and I was Eighteen.

    I only had to attend the first two years. I started working at the VA hospital to get experience which is where I met Cletus. He'd lost his daughter and was going from state to state trying to get help from a VA hospital. I've already covered that part in another entry and I'm not in the right mind to write about him. I wrote to Cecilia loads during that time though, telling her how I was doing and what, she said she was so proud and wanted me to come home for Christmas. Except Cletus had convinced me to ship out. So I applied to become part of a MERT Team. Which allowed me to continue my MD. I loved it, the aspect of being flown into a active situation to disembark, collect the dead and wounded and load them and then leave and treat the wounded in the helicopter. All in a matter of minutes. I remember using bandages and writing PT vitals on them and wrapping them around my arms and kneepads. Everyday was different and every injury different. I kept the most recent letter Cecilia wrote to me in my knee pads and I'd wait to read them until I was flying into a scene. The days we're long but I loved it. I loved the violence. I remember finishing that deployment and before flying home I was asked to speak to one of my higher ups. He told me one of the QRF squads that had gone out hadn't returned. They we're putting replacements together and I was selected to be apart of it. Since I was going back to Dallas I was told to attend to train with the Cav unit.

    I remember getting home and seeing Cecilia walking down the street, how she saw me and her eyes filled with tears. She ran up to me and hugged me and we stood there for a moment when I noticed the ring. She never told me she got married. I know the letters became less frequent and I assumed she was busy with work and school. Those three months we're nice and relaxed but it was very awkward. My mother and father didn't approve. My brother was still cocky and tried to get me whilst I was sleeping. I remember knocking him off his feet. He tried at least once a week and he didn't care if you knew. I remember the final week before I left to go back he tried again but this time hit me with a bat to wake me up, I remember kicking his knee in and hearing the crack as is dislocated. I remember hearing her scream as she ran in to see what the noise was. I remember putting the knee back in place and leaving. She chased after me to give me a hug but didn't say anything to me.

    I remember the first couple weeks of me being back out there. She never wrote to me, I sent a letter every week. Then I got maybe one a month. I liked what I was doing now though, being part of a MERT team was great but QRF was something new. I was assigned to be a QRF for a Special Weapons Unit. I recognised one of the boys there, I had trained with him at Harrogate. He was quiet and good in training. Think his name began with an A, Cletus knew him too he said his name but I forgot. Anyway we we're always flown in to pull these guys out a living hell. I did this for a four of my six total deployments. I loved it, the bloodshed being dropped in and carving an exit for these boys to leave. Killing these people never even crossed my mind it was always. I just shot, watched them hit the floor and moved on to the next. Time and time again, it never really effected me till now. I remember everytime I came home I'd always come stay with Cecilia but I'd have to leave whenever my brother was in, or stay in my room. She spent more and more time with me, the first time I stayed at hers it was the nights, she'd come and sit with me and we'd talk. The second time my brother was away for two months so we spent as long as we could reliving our teenage years. When she was at college though I would sit with a beer staring at the TV, it was never on and she'd always come in and ask what I was doing. It always took her shaking my shoulder to actually get me to say something. The third deployment was a lot different. It wasn't like my usual ones.

    We were still assigned to the same unit. Same mission plans as always but something seemed different. So I shared my concerns with there Team leader. They called him Lion, because he had a giant Lion tattoo'd down his arm and neck. Or maybe it was the fact that he'd fight with everything he had. He told me it was just my young brain overthinking it. Well we were out doing recon when I heard a crack. We look around unsure at first if it was our radio. Then I see Lion lift his weapon and I remember seeing his head recoil back, watching his body fall back. I remember rushing over as the designated medic and having my squad ask whats going on. I had to strip his body of his plate and gun and give it to one of the other boys. I carried him at least a full click to our exfil. I remember his blood trickling down my neck, down my back. I remember landing back at Bastion and the Battalion lead meeting us to check the body. Seeing the kid I trained with all those years ago dead eye me like it was my fault he died. They then got assigned someone I knew, I call him Doc. Doc was the first combat medic I was assigned under when I was a MERT member. He got picked for them for his quick thinking and his abnormally high rate he could treat people and keep them alive long enough to get back to a tent. I don't really recall the rest of that deployment, I got shot and was sent back to Dallas early. I never told anyone about it cause I didn't want visitors.

    I spent six month back at home for recovery but mainly for just a break, it was the longest I'd been home in a while. I didn't tell anyone I got back either, I went and stayed at a hotel before mustering the courage to actually go and see anyone. I went home, back to see Dad. He wasn't there, Mom was but she just told me to fuck off. I then went to Cecilia's family home. Sat down with her Dad and basically told him everything that had happened and showed him the now scar. He didn't seemed shocked or worried. He just said thank you, and called Cecilia to tell her I was home. Of course she left College and came round to get me, hugged me right on my wound and I had to hide the pain. I told her that I was only going to be about a month or two before I was requested to go back. She told me that my brother had got a modelling gig and was out of town for a while. She couldn't take time off school but that was fine, I started my routine of dropping her off driving back, drinking and getting lost in my thoughts. I could never quite get Lion's face or the feeling of his blood trickling down my back out my mind. Still messes with me today.

    My fourth deployment was my final one I could do before I had to call it. This was different. A lot different. I have a pretty good sense of direction but I had no idea where we we're. We weren't in our typical deployment areas and we had been only briefly informed of what we we're dealing with. We we're told that we where going to be on stand by to pull the lads out. So we setup just on the outskirts of this mountain range. We were told no air and had vehicles but I was told to track it on foot with the boys leading. We had to be setup a bit closer to them, then we heard it. We heard an alarm blare, we saw people locking the gates and I got called down to make entry. I remember hearing the chatter in my ear. They left there comms open and I could hear everything, who they we're fighting, when they got shot. Then I remember getting through the fence and seeing Doc and Theo carrying this kid, blood rushing out his eyes and ears. I then remember seeing Theo just fall. I didn't see the bullet exit but I heard the sound of it passing through him and hitting his front plate. I remember running forward and attempting to lift him out and stumbling to the breach before I just saw a splatter of blood come out my shoulder and my wrist. I remember looking down and I was barely able to squeeze my fist. I then remember the third passing right through Theo and cutting my neck. Right over where Cletus cut me too. I think I blacked out or something because I don't remember leaving, I remember somewhat being conscious walking up the hillside before I woke up back at Bastion. I was out for two days. Nothing life-threatening just a lot of blood loss. I remember seeing the kid on the other bed, pulling the IVs and screaming about Theo. Then Doc walked by, walked up to him, and like my brother used to do to me, beat the kid black and blue. I don't know what happened but all I know is he caused it all.

    I went home after that. Submitted my paperwork to be transferred back to a MERT team, but of course they asked me to do one more with QRF whilst they find a replacement. I was reluctant but agreed. Thinks we're coming to an end though, there wasn't as much combat anymore and we we're more being sent to overwatch escorts and convoys. Which was fine, I just sat writing letters that I never got responses too. I'd write maybe three a week. I wasn't really mentally there for that. It was a shorter deployment thankfully and they found my replacement. Another young over eager kid. I remember introducing him to the rest of the group and the snarky comments people made about his rose red cheeks and his freckles. Hoped he proved them wrong. Going home became just not pleasant. I called Cecilia when I landed and she seemed angry? Asked me why I hadn't wrote or called. She knew I never called. I remember hoping on my bike and heading over, seeing her and my brother, she seemed scared? Well I know now it was fear. I remember taking her out for food and again I got a glimpse of the bruises, they we're worse. A lot worse. I told to go stay with her parents for a while and she didn't even question it. Just asked me not too kill him. I didn't even pull the keys out my bike when he came out screaming asking where she was. I just remember taking off my helmet and beating him with it till the visor shattered. I remember dragging him inside to the kitchen and picking up a knife. I had already committed the act. Then I just felt arms wrap around me. She called the ambulance and told me she was going to go make sure he's okay. I went back to the barracks and then the gym. I remember just running, and running and running. I went back to the house after a day or two, and went through his stuff, found the letters. Found the ones I sent and the ones she was going to send. I took the ones she wrote and burnt mine, I don't know why, maybe to make me seem like a asshole or some monster.

    I left again for my final time. Not even two months there and the letters started stopping again. I knew what was going on so I called. Which was a mistake cause of cause it was new years and what happened. A fucking mortar hit the shitter I was standing next too. It was only one of there pop shots and no one was hurt but I can tell she thought something had happened. After we calmed down and we laughed it off I mentioned the letters and she said she wanted to ask me something. She needed to get away from my brother. Of course I offered to help. I asked if she could go stay with Dallas or Houston and she said Dallas had a spare room. I asked how much, she told me and I sent more then plenty. She asked me to come with her. Which I think broke something in me even further, I agreed and went and told my commanding officer that when I got back I wanted to resign. He just laughed and told me to stop joking which caused me to get a little aggressive. He got the message and told the MP's to let me go and it was a misunderstanding. I remember getting home, seeing Dad one final time and hoping on a plane to LS. I didn't even have her new phone number nor Dallas's. I'm glad I came here though. I miss the fighting and the bloodshed but it wasn't any good for me.

    I got to meet the love of my life and some good people here. Reconnect with old friends and make new ones. Start a family well I can't but we still have our own little one starting. It's chaotic but we make do, I've come to learn a few things from those books I read as a kid. I've come to finally understand what love is. That in order to find it I have to surrender myself to someone, and I did that. It hurt a lot but in the end I'm happy. I've come to learn that I can get thrills from other things that aren't gunfights and blood even though I find myself in the occasional one here every now and then. That although I am an asshole, I get joys in seeing people smile and I hope people know I'm only this way so someone else can just be the nice one. So someone doesn't have to wear the mask and know it's okay to be scared. Cause that's all I am at the end of the day, I'm just scared. Scared that I'll let everyone down, or that I'm not good enough. Then the night rolls around and all those worries disappear. When we stumble into bed and we just lay there holding each other and Oddie. Then he steals one of our socks or chews the blanket. Hearing her giggle at that just makes everything I've gone through worth it in the end.

    Teddys Anthem:






