Zeph Emere

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  • Zeph Emere

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      'Whirlwind' (His dream superhero name)


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Victor Emere


    • Occupation:
      Unemployed at the moment
    • Faction Affilations:


    Zeph is a young man, about 6’3” and thin, with fair skin and blonde hair, blue eyes aged 25. His height is that of 6'2" and weighs 190 lbs. or thereabouts. He dresses in a more comfy and laid back attire, as well as attempts to contain his messy hair if he can, but usually lets it be a mess. Recently, he has gotten a sleeve of a dragon themed tattoo on his right arm.


    Born in the southern state of Arkansas, Zeph and his twin were born to a less than optimal parent situation. Growing up in hardship, the second the twins were able to move, they did so. Living in a small camper for a while, just roaming the country and eventually in front of his brother's house, Zeph was surprised one day to have come home to the camper gone and Victor's house sold off with no indication on where his brother was.

    Eventually getting ahold of him, Zeph discovered Victor had moved out to the city, and was told to come down as well using whatever cash his twin had arranged for him by selling the camper and what non-essential belongings the blonde had. The relationship between the two is a bit heated, but civil, as they eventually bonded over the mutual hatred over their parents.

    With a love of adventure, as well as the outdoors, Zeph is usually found on the beaches of Los Santos hoping to get a surf in if he has time. Other times, he’s aimlessly wandering the city in hopes of finding some more fun or making new friends. He is usually seen with his non-identical twin, Victor, or his childhood friend Daniel and whatever that entails. While rather naive and easy to rope into situations, Zeph is extremely loyal to his friends and family and will demonstrate that to a tee if needed.

    Recently, he has been seen around the pier and enjoying the boardwalk on nice days.


    • Zeph loves the color blue and usually finds things to match it. He especially likes that of a lighter shade.
    • He resents Victor for selling his camper, even to this day.
    • Zeph was originally an air genasi tempest cleric in a D&D game, but now repurposed into a rp character!