Liam Whitefeather
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  • With the close of Pride Month, I want to remind everyone that there are still great struggles within indigenous communities in regards to anti-LGBT violence and abduction and murder, as well as the general identification and acknowledgement that there's even a problem. That is beginning to change, but it's a slow process.

    Pride ain't about supporting the corporations that use the law to shut down LGBT people at their convenience, pride is supporting the community, and shouting for the people a part of that community to have a voice. Love y'all, have a good one.
    In the US, and often many states- shooting someone in the head shows intent to kill. Self Defense can be argued by the defense attorney, but Prosecutors will make a very good case that you didn't have intent to protect yourself, but the intent to kill the person. More often than not, you will end up doing jail time.

    Sincerely- An Assistant CCP Trainer
    Liam Whitefeather
    Liam Whitefeather
    Criminal Defense Lawyer: Using Guns in Self Defense

    More often than not, unless you have LEGITIMATE fear for your life, HAVE attempted to warn the individual multiple times, HAVE attempted to flee, or fleeing was not possible, self defense and lethal force is applicable. However you need to prepare to justify that lethal force in court, because prosecutors WILL argue that every action you take was a means and an intent to kill instead of preserving your own life. If there is probable cause, they will intend to charge you.
    Liam Whitefeather
    Liam Whitefeather
    With that being said I'd love to see a group of lawyers in game/ICly create a company similar to US Lawshield (The same SD Insurance I carry personally) for people.
    People sent me discord messages asking what the #MMIW tag was that I posted at times with my tweets in game.
    It stands for Missing, Murdered Indigenous Women.
    This character was created to highlight the modern issues First Nation peoples face, albeit a fictional interpretation of it. The very same with Mato, I'm going to do my utmost to bring a level of realism to these issues while also using both historical accuracy, and real statistics to bring awareness to it. This is something personal to me.

    For more information on the MMIW movement, here's a video.

    Nathan Chasing His Horse is a real name for a real actor. Just like Wallace E. Black Elk is a real name for a real spiritual leader.
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