Lillith Endo-Garcia
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  • doo doo head lmao
    Morgan Woods
    Morgan Woods
    After careful consideration over the past tiring 24 hours I’ve come to realize I have the opportunity to be better than this, and would like to redact my earlier comment. It was wildly out of line and does not/ should not fall in line with the kind of person I strive to be.

    I’ll be the first to admit I’m not perfect, I’m fallible and flawed and as I’m sure we’ve all come to see I can sometimes talk before I think. I’ve no doubt and with no denial made a grave lapse in judgement and I can’t think of anyone less deserving of that wrath than Lillith Endo and their respective roleplayer.

    I’m hoping with enough time I can demonstrate my desire for change and one day face a better roleplayer in the mirror. Until then I hope you can find it within you to give an old fool a second chance


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    Edward Richards
    Edward Richards
    Edward Richards
    Edward Richards
    After careful consideration over the past tiring 35 seconds I’ve come to realize I have the opportunity to be better than this, and would like to redact my earlier comment. It was wildly out of line and does not/ should not fall in line with the kind of person I strive to be.

    I’ll be the first to admit I’m not perfect, I’m fallible and flawed and as I’m sure we’ve all come to see I can sometimes talk before I think. I’ve no doubt and with no denial made a grave lapse in judgement and I can’t think of anyone less deserving of that wrath than Lillith Endo and their respective roleplayer.

    I’m hoping with enough time I can demonstrate my desire for change and one day face a better roleplayer in the mirror. Until then I hope you can find it within you to give an old fool a second chance
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