Search results

  1. Forrest Mann

    Addressing Economic Concerns

    Everybody got a $10 raise across the board. Over time, WL roles will always make more because they're passive
  2. Forrest Mann

    Addressing Economic Concerns

    There are a lot of people that have a lot of assets in the server, so I think I'll disagree with you here. Perhaps your experience has been that you can't make money off of hotdogs (Which is a more RP-oriented job, maybe it could be bumped a bit), but if you make some money and play it into some...
  3. Forrest Mann

    Calendar (And how to use)

    Hi all, We have purchased a Calendar add-on for the forums to be used for player events (And staff will use it for other purposes such as community meetings / whitelisting days). The Calendar can be found here: Players will be allowed to add posts from the Events...
  4. Forrest Mann

    Monthly Server Costs

    Hello, Below you can find a breakdown of our monthly recurrent server costs. This figure does NOT include any additional money spent on the community. All money taken in via donations will be used for the community. Monthly total (ONLY RECURRENT COSTS): $540 USD Breakdown: Dedicated Server...
  5. Forrest Mann

    *IMPORTANT* Testing SaltyChat (Teamspeak) VoIP - Thursday April 1st @ 7pm EST

    Hi all, As part of our efforts to improve in-game voice (VoIP), we are looking into switching to SaltyChat, which is a Teamspeak 3-based in-game voice plugin. This means you will need Teamspeak 3 to use in-game voice. We have integrated Teamspeak into the forums in a similar way to Wild West...
  6. Forrest Mann

    LEO Applications Open [March 29 - April 1 8pm ET]

    Hi all, LEO Applications are now open and will remain open from today until 8pm Eastern Time on Thursday, April 1st 2021. Apply here if you are interested. Thank you, Moody.
  7. Forrest Mann

    Changes to Whitelisting

    Given the massive interest in the community since launch, we have decided to change the way Whitelisting works. Whitlist Applications will be open on a continual basis, and will be reviewed in the order they come in. Wait times will vary. Thank you all for your continued support! -New Day RP...
  8. Forrest Mann

    Regarding Roleplay

    Hi all, I wanted to create a thread to lay the groundwork for the expectations and reasons we created this community for. For many years, I and many others here have searched for a good, high-quality GTA 5 Roleplay server, but couldn't find a place to call home. There are lots of servers out...
  9. Forrest Mann

    Regarding Server Stability/Issues

    Hi all, As you are likely all aware by now, we are having issues with large-scale TIMEOUT errors on our server. We have been working diligently over the past few days to sort out these issues with our host, and changing many things in an attempt to correct this issue that seems to be plaguing...
  10. Forrest Mann

    Addressing Economic Concerns

    I'm down to make catching fish more common, but decrease the price slightly to make it a bit more rewarding just less per fish. I'll add it to the list!
  11. Forrest Mann

    Addressing Economic Concerns

    As soon as we can, this is an issue we're tracking and trying to fix.
  12. Forrest Mann

    Addressing Economic Concerns

    Good day, I wanted to write a short post regarding the state of the economy and address some of the concerns raised in various threads. I think there is important information users should be aware of before concluding a thought regarding the economy. First and foremost, your thoughts and...
  13. Forrest Mann

    Staff Applications Open - March 15th to 19th at 8pm EST

    Hi all, We are opening up Staff Applications from today until March 19th at 8pm Eastern Time. If you are interested in a Staff position, please fill out an application at the following address: Ensure that you meet all requirements to become a...
  14. Forrest Mann

    Whitelist Applications Temporarily Closing 11pm ET 2021/03/14

    Good day, At 11pm Eastern Time tonight Whitelist Applications will be closed temporarily while we make decisions based on server demand and queue numbers on the best way to proceed with high-quality Whitelisting for the community. We will make an announcement within one week of this post...
  15. Forrest Mann

    Setting FiveM to Build 3095 (No restart to join)

    You have some "' after the -b2189 that are not necessary.
  16. Forrest Mann

    Regarding Coronavirus in GTA

    Hi all, We meant to cover this topic before launch but it seems to have been forgotten, so we will cover it now. Given the situation with Coronavirus / COVID-19 in real life, we understand that it is a very prevalent thing in people's lives right now. But we also understand that many use...
  17. Forrest Mann

    Setting FiveM to Build 3095 (No restart to join)

    WE ARE CURRENTLY USING 3095. In order to set your FiveM to automatically launch Build 3095 (Server version we are using) when opening FiveM to make joining the server seamless, you will need to change your FiveM Shortcut parameters. You can do this by: 1) If you join FiveM via Windows...
  18. Forrest Mann

    New Day RP Launch Announcement

    Official Launch Announcement Hello all, This post is slightly late, but we've been incredibly busy getting everything polished and bugfixes for launch. We are very happy to announce that New Day RP will be launching at 2pm Eastern Time on Saturday, March 13th. A Pre-Launch Meeting will be held...
  19. Forrest Mann

    BETA TEST - Sunday, March 7th 12:00pm (Noon) to 11:00pm EST

    Hi all, I am very sorry for the late notice, but we are very happy to announce that the BETA TEST will occur on Sunday, March 7th, from 12:00pm (Noon) to 11:00pm Eastern Standard Time. This Beta Test will be open to all Whitelisted community members. The server will restart once at 6pm EST. A...