A New Year | 2021 in Review & Looking Ahead

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Staff Team

Feb 5, 2021


First of all, welcome to 2022!

2021 in Review:
At the beginning of 2021, New Day RP was only but a twinkle in the eye for some of us - with the community concept and Discord being created on January 13th, this community has been an idea for less than a whole year. But during that year, we've gone from a start-up community to one of the largest Whitelisted GTA RP Communities in the world. From what was initially planned to be a 64-slot server, we have grown to a 325-slot server since we launched on March 13th 2021. Our Discord has grown to over 9,000 members and we have over 4,500 Whitelisted members.

While we have certainly had many bumps along the road, and plenty of technical issues, we've grown into a much more stable community as time has gone on. We have an incredibly diverse range of roleplayers, with different factions, gangs, businesses, organizations and individuals bringing an incredible amount of roleplay to the community.

To those of you who joined and supported us this past year, thank you. It's all of you that make this community amazing, and we truly could not do it without the amazing contributions all of you bring to the roleplay!

Looking Ahead to 2022:
Shortly before then end of 2021, we officially kicked off development of our new framework - what's currently being called the "New Day RP 2.0" update. As development starts to ramp up more and more on this new framework we will have more to share, but our current goal is to have it ready for release by April of this year. While we can't predict everything and this date may slip, we hope to be ready for release by then.

This new framework is a major development undertaking and will see our entire core framework rewritten with more efficient and modern techniques used to improve performance and increase the usability of the framework. While our current framework is great, it is very "hodge-podge" and doesn't offer as seamless of an experience as we would like it to. Our new framework will be built from the ground up to be more congruent and offer a more seamless experience for users, while being less of a strain on the client.

While we will provide more information on changes that are being made in the coming months, I will state for now that this update will be significant and will bring many changes and improvements across the board that we have wanted to make for a long time now. While this update is still pretty far out (4 months is a long time!), we're excited for what it will bring to the community. As our focus shifts more and more to the 2.0 update, it's expected that major updates to the 1.0 (current) framework will slow down, and some of these planned changes will be pushed to 2.0. We will still be pushing regular updates to the current framework, but this will slow down a bit as we get closer to the release of 2.0.

I also wanted to make a note that we have recently moved to a brand-new server box to improve general performance/connection/server stability, which has increased out monthly costs slightly. But the much bigger cost to our server over the next 4 months will be this significant project we're now working on. For those of you who have supported New Day financially in the past year - we really do appreciate it. Not everybody can or is willing to support a roleplay community, but those of you who do keep the lights on and help us pay for the general server and development costs, which can be a very expensive venture. And for that, we are incredibly thankful.

We're looking forward to what 2022 will bring us, and looking forward to seeing where we are one year from now!

-New Day RP Management
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