Akira Black

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  • Akira "Aki" Black


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Yicha Mai-Coh
      Abigail Jackson
      Aleister Jackson
      Unknown Woman
      Aleister Jackson Jr (Father)
      Ayumi Kondo (Mother)


    • Occupation:
      152F(FH-1 Pilot)
      15R(FH-1 Mechanic)
      Mosley's Mechanic
      Stance Andreas CEO
    • Faction Affilations:
      Carson Ave Families
      US Army

      26 Set CGF
      249 Club


    Akira is of approximately average height and weight for a North American male. He has a light brown complexion with freckles covering his cheeks, with notable scars marring his skin. The scars include a 3 inch vertical scar on his right brow, Two 8 Inch Scars on each of his calves, with small screw hole scars on his shin and knees. His hair a natural black color that holds a curled texture until falling flat when reaching a certain length. He typically keeps his hair braided, but currently has it cut into a natural fro due to the burned flesh smell that stuck to his hair.

    His eyes are brilliant golden copper in hue and he requires corrective lenses for each eye. His body is a slightly stocky build, but toned in it's apperance due to his constant upkeep of his physical training. His neck is especially thick and robust due to the specific g-force resistance training he practices.

    His body is covered in various tatttoos with standout ones being the three squid pieces on his arms and back. As well as The Families F tattooed on his right ring finger. He is often seen wearing casual clothing fitting his neighborhood, But he is rarely scene without some sort of head covering.


    Akira was born the bastard son of Aleister Jackson Jr at the age of 55 in Central Los Santos Medical Center in Strawberry. Akira was quickly abandoned by his father along with his mother, Ayumi. Ayumi was the daughter of Maibatsu Board Member, Yasuke Kondo, Whom Aleister met during a business trip abroad in Japan. The two eloped back to Los Santos, But when Ayumi grew pregnant Aleister abandoned them both to the harsh streets of Los Santos. Ayumi held many jobs during Akira's childhood but eventually found work at The Hand's On Car Wash. The two of them living in The Tahitian Projects on Forum Drive, Akira grew up in the heart of The South Side. As The Young Akira grew older and gained many friends while attending Davis High School, He eventually joined up with The Davis Neighborhood Families the set that currently controlled his neighborhood.

    Akira lived his life as any gang affiliated south sider would be eventually it can to sharp end, He was arrested driving a boosted car in a illegal race. During his sentencing his mother's pleading and father's influence allowed for the judge to give the young man two options, Disregard his southern Los Santos lifestyle and enroll in the army, or Go To Prison. Aki decided for the later option and enlisted into The United States Army, While being naturally gifted in a mechanical sense Akira naturally scored well on the ASVAB. He selected his MOS as FH-1 Hunter Pilot/Gunner and was shipped off to Join the 125th Airborne Division at Fort Zancudo. While his time in The Army accounted for a brief 3 years, He served two combat deployments as a pilot. During his second deployment while on a routine flight check and return flight, Akira's FH-1 Hunter was struck by a insurgents RPG in it's tail rotor. Akira was able to spin out into a nearby marshland, But the impact shattered both of his legs in multiple places. Akira at this point fended off an approaching insurgent with his combat knife, while his gunner regained conciousness and radioed for help. The serve injuries to his legs and the following recovered ended Akira's Piloting Career, He was transfered into the mechanic unit and served his final enlisted years learning to repair and refit the various aircraft of Zancudo.

    Akira returned to Los Santos, Using His GI bill to pay for a 2 year degree from
    University of San Andreas, Los Santos (ULSA) in Automotive Engineering. During his time in the college, he met with his son to become best friend Allister Shoulders II or Big Al, As Aki would call him. Akira would lose his GI bill following his brief probation suspension for being detained in a car that his uber had stolen. Akira would apply for many scholarships before being accepted for The Big Shoulders Full Ride Scholarship. This acceptance would come from a place of nepotism with rooted in the long storied history of The Jackson and Shoulder's Families dating back to the old west. Allister being named after Akira's Grandfather whom with Allister's Father Headin had discovered gold in the hills of San Fierro.

    The Two of them would graduate before the news of Ayumi's return to Japan, Akira having proven himself in the traditional ways of his mother's family by defeating a enemy in hand to hand combat following his crash, Akira would be blessed as a full member of House Kondo and His Mother Allowed to return to the family's home. Akira would be reject this offer, choosing to keep his stated name of "Black", something written on his birth certificate in error following a language barrier mixup with his mother and her attending nurse. Big Al using the last of his trust fund would purchase Ayumi and Akira's childhood home on Forum Drive and Thus started the current day.

    Akira would venture out into Southern Los Santos for the first time in five years, He'd find quickly that green was pushed out of the city with haste. The Ballas had stretched out all the way to the edge of Strawberry. But Akira had no need of such things, He'd chosen to remain straight laced for the most part. He found a job at a mechanic shop and kept his nose clean, only carrying a gun for self defence. But quickly as the dice rolled, Akira would find himself once more in the dark side of Los Santos.

    His lust and desire for speed would have started in college, having spent most of his off days running on the track and training his neck to withstand g-forces once more. Eventually finding himself once again in the street racing scene his list of crimes started to grow. During this time, Akira opened a automotive blog and clothing design online shop known as Stance Andreas, His dream is to one day have a physical location and to get out of the hood once more. But while the mechanic job provided stability, it did not provide a wage for a aspiring racer, Boosting cars, dealing weed, backroom deals would occur before finally "Violence." On August 10th, An masked man was involved in a shooting in downtown Los Santos, Akira knows the full details of this shooting but will never speak on it. On the following day the pieces of Akira's scattered criminal puzzle begin to set, He had formed a crew without knowing tho unnamed at the time. These 5 men and women would go on to reform The Chamberlain Gangster Families. And with that,
    We are live and current with Akira Hatsuo Black.

    Big Al, Jaden Christopher, Mel Reed, Teddie Barlowe (Closest Friends)
    Cesar And Dixie Conchos, Amos, Arturo(Good Friends)
    Jymal, Cookie, Chester, Jackson, Mo(Friends)
    That Specific British Balla, Soul Rambo, The Long Shoreman (Opps)


    - "Brodie" "Let's Slide On, Em." "You Remember When You Stuck That EX-Pill in Your Ass?"
    -Dances To Pop Smoke- "Drift Record Holder" "You Got Aki" "You Good, Mel?"

    "Akira has an huge fear of crashing helicopters and fire."
    "Akira lost his sense of smell from the depleted uranium rounds used in The Middle East."
    "Akira gets his hair braided by Big Al's Ex-Girlfriend, Big Escalade."
    "Akira is Pansexual with a lean towards men."
    "Akira's Octopus Tattoos originated from his nickname of "Squid" due to his Locs"
    "Akira is allergic to shellfish so he cannot eat Octopus or Squid."
    "Akira learned his skills in graphic design making mixtape covers in High School."