Anabella Mercer

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  • Anabella Louise Mercer

    • Status:
      Old Lady
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
      Sydney Australia
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Ana / Bella


    • Marital Status:
      in a relationship with Dallas Brooks
    • Relatives:
      Bobby, Angel, Jack, Jeremiah Mercer.


    • Occupation:
      Miner, Car Sales (bergowitz), Mechanic (Skywheels)
    • Faction Affilations:


    Ana has no filter, no tolerance for bs, and no cares for those outside of her immediate circle/family other than generalised care of the city.


    Ana came to Los Santos to settle down and be with her cousins. after leaving University, she fell in with an MC and from that interaction she learned that she is not a MC person. she doesnt want to sport any "groups" logo/kutte/colours.
    When she got to LS, she met a guy named DAVID THORNE and his Cartel, their relationship was hit and miss and in the end David broke up with her as he had feelings for his ex and feelings for his friend Angelique,. he admitted to having used Ana to move forward, Her heart completely smashed but still wanting to be in his life they met up and he asked her to bring her cousins down to fulfill their convos about "bringing pain" if he hurt/used Ana, He wanted to face them and take it like a man.... From this David's friend Damien Flippington busts into the hospital and pulls an AR and shoots Ana repeatedly in the chest as she stood there taking it to protect the ailing David on the bed being tended to by Dr Z.
    Ana started hanging with 2EZ and was hiding in car parks and other places sot hat David and his crew couldnt find her and take their BS out on her again. Ana had met up with David after his release from the hospital, where David informed her they were being watched by 4 of his friends who were pointing more AR's at her and they talked about the incident where David realized that she was telling the truth and then in a gesture that confounded her he gave her the rope they called a tether and told her he still had feelings for her also. This sent Ana into a spiral of emotional and mental and physical pain. she even messaged him as the king of drug consumption, how many drugs it would take to numb her emotional pain.
    EZ taught her to put her bat away and to go back to living in her apartment eventually. She stopped hiding and made it clear that she wasn't going to be scared of Damien anymore and wasn't going to be "secret" friend with David as he had wanted.
    Then she met Dallas at first she wanted to push him away, and did everything to do so but they hung out in the mines and the rest as they say is history... their pull towards each other and trust was just to strong to ignore. She doesn't like that he is in an MC but cant stay away either. she is happy gal as a Old Lady, providing the group with food and wares from all the restaurants in town. He is the only one who knows about her MC past as she keeps it close to her chest.
    Over all Ana plans to open a jewel store that specializes in SILVER jewels and wedding/engagement pieces and is working hard in her apartment on her catalogue for her pending business application.
