Andrew Ducksworth

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  • Andrew "Ducky" Ducksworth

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      6' 3"
    • Birthdate:
      March 7th, 1981
    • Birthplace:
      Born in Boston, Massachusetts.
      Raised in Miami, Florida
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      None living in Los Santos,
      Two biological sisters
      An adoptive brother and sister



    Andrew Ducksworth is played by t3r0 and is a Corporal for the Los Santos Police Department


    Early Years
    Andrew ‘Ducky’ Ducksworth was born in Boston, Massachusetts but would be adopted early in life by a loving couple from Miami, Florida. Ducky’s adoptive father, Roy Ducksworth, is the Chairman and CEO of a major corporation in Miami, and his adoptive mother, Jane, a socialite.

    Ducky has two sisters by his biological parents but rarely has any contact with them, and younger adoptive brother and sister with the Ducksworth family. Ducky and his adoptive siblings were raised attending the best schools, elaborate dinners, and ‘fancy’ social events. The Ducksworth kids learned all aspects of Roy’s business, spending almost as much of their youth there, as anywhere else. The kids were taught the value of hard work, working with their hands, and what it means to uphold your word. Even though Ducky was the adopted child, he was never treated any different from the rest. Jane's best friend Dottie, would eventually give him the nickname 'Ducky' because he would always seem to let things roll off his back - like water off a duck's back - as well as the play on his adopted last name.

    Ducky would eventually choose to forge his own path and wanting to make a difference in people’s lives join the fire department. While there, he would work on becoming a paramedic and a rescue pilot. He would continue to work in Miami as a fire/medic for several years before moving a few times. Each new place, he would continue his career as a fire/medic, until finally working for one municipality that would transition their fire and police departments to a Public Safety department. Ducky would then have to go through Law Enforcement training to become a Public Safety Officer. The municipality believing that it would save money in the long run by cross training all of their Law Enforcement to be firefighters, and all of their firefighters to be Law Enforcement officers. Ducky would continue to hold this role until a close friend of his would get hurt in the line of duty by a mistake that was easily avoidable, and Ducky blamed it on the municipality’s choice to have PSOs. So, Ducky would set his sights again on moving, this time to Los Angeles for a fresh start, to be near the ocean again, and see what new adventures would come his way.

    After moving to Los Angeles, Ducky began working first for the LAFD but then later transfer to the Los Angeles Police Department and became part of the SWAT team as a SWAT Medic combining his previous experience as a paramedic and his time working in law enforcement as a Public Safety Officer.

    Shortly after starting with LAFD, Ducky happened walking through dispatch and a very attractive officer happened to be standing there. And from the moment she spoke, she immediately had Ducky’s attention and he knew he wanted to know everything about her. They spoke briefly, exchanging some witty banter and parted ways.

    After the initial meeting, Ducky could not get Emily Campos off his mind. Any time his mind would wander, or there was down time on the job his thoughts would quickly drift to her. The two would cross paths a few times here and there over the next couple weeks, and each time Ducky’s interest in her would grow until the two would eventually decide to go on a date. The first date, quickly turned into three dates on three consecutive days. And while neither of them could pinpoint when they fell in love with each other, Ducky knew without a doubt when he realized he was in love with Emily – the third date.

    After realizing their love for each other, the two were nearly inseparable and happily so – they worked together from time to time in Los Angeles and spent all their free time together. After a whirlwind courtship, Ducky proposed to Emily on her birthday – December 8th. And in a moment of spontaneous love, the two were married the next day in a private ceremony conducted by a friend of Ducky’s aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier. Due to the lack of any quality wedding rings, the two purchased matching skull bracelets as a symbol of their union and love for one another.

    San Andreas
    After some time, and the passing of Emily's father the two heard of a job opportunity in San Andreas that would allow them to work together on a more frequent basis and start a new life together. So, the two moved to embark on their new journey together. Emily started right away with the Blaine County Sheriff's Department and through a set of unfortunate circumstances Ducky was not able to immediately transfer into law enforcement.

    In the interim, Ducky would go on to start working for the San Andreas Flight Authority as an Administrative Assistant before being promoted to Administrative Services Manager a week later under Jack Callow’s leadership. While working for SAFA, Ducky continued to try to improve processes where possible and expand the administrative services department within SAFA. Ducky would continue to work for SAFA in this capacity until February of 2022 when he transitioned to a part-time volunteer for SAFA until June of 2022.

    In February of 2022, Andrew Ducksworth was finally able to join his wife, Emily, as a member of Law Enforcement in San Andreas. From February until June, Ducky used his dual roles with LSPD and SAFA to help repair the relations between Law Enforcement and the Flight Authority that had been damaged previously. During Ducky’s cadet phase, Emily was often nearby watching over Ducky and occasionally found in giggle fits as she or her counterparts would haze him. Ducky would be promoted to full officer after a couple weeks of being a cadet.

    In late March 2022, Emily and Ducky privately divorced after what was originally believed to be irreconcilable differences and a fight that the two believed they’d never be able to come back from. For Ducky, it was literally the hardest thing he has ever had to do. And shortly afterward, knew it was also the single biggest mistake he had ever made in his life. Though the two had only known each other a short time before getting married, Ducky was always certain that Emily was not only his best friend, but also his soul mate and the love of his life. And regardless of the marital status, or even the condition of any relationship between the two Ducky holds an undying love for Emily and due to this has solemnly vowed that he would never remove his skull bracelet as an outward symbol of the love that he always carries for Emily.

    During his career in the Los Santos Police Department, Ducky would later be promoted to Senior Officer and become an FTO. As an FTO, Ducky has made it his mission to impart everything he can into cadets and show them that there are multiple ways of handling any given situation. Encouraging each to become their own unique person and allowing the people that they interact with to see them as people instead of just a badge. Thankfully, along the way Emily and Ducky have been working on repairing the relationship the two hastily ended. The two can be frequently seen riding together on duty and doing more and more off duty with each other.

    In July of 2022, the Vagos began hunting Emily with the intention of killing her. Initially, hearing about it through briefings Ducky allowed the department to do its job and investigate/stop the threat against Emily’s life. During this time, Emily was directed to always be partnered up with someone while on patrol. After a number of conflicts with the Vagos, and what felt like forever to Ducky it seemed like no matter what attempts were made by PD the threat on Emily’s life was persistent. This threat looming over Emily weighed heavily on Ducky, and after a week of preparation, spending extra time with Emily and ensuring that she knew he loved her, Ducky went off duty early on 24 July 2022 and told Emily that he was going home. He left her flowers throughout her apartment, as well as a note he had written her the night before after their date while she was sleeping.

    Shortly thereafter, Ducky went down to the varrio and asked to meet with Pancho, the Jefe of the Vagos. Ducky told them that he was aware of the insult they felt had come from Emily, and that he was prepared to pay for that transgression himself to ensure her safety going forward. The Jefe was unavailable to meet with Ducky at that time, but would later receive a phone call stating that it had been taken care of and that Emily would be safe going forward. Ducky had heard from another officer that Chief Davis had been hurt and was at the hospital.

    Ducky went to visit Davis, and when he arrived Davis asked everyone else to leave to be able to speak privately with Ducky. The two had a frank, and off the record conversation, where Ducky confronted Davis about his injuries. Ducky confided in Davis that he had gone to the varrio with the intention that in the morning Davis would either have Ducky’s badge on his desk, or that that there would be a final call for Ducky. Davis confirmed that he had done it to spare Emily and to stop Ducky from handling it himself. Davis mentioned to Ducky that when offering a trade, you need to ‘trade up’… and that going from them hunting a Sergeant to getting the Chief, was a substantial trade. Ducky found out that had he arrived even 2 minutes earlier to the varrio, the entire situation would have been different – but was content in knowing that Emily was safe. Davis and Ducky agreed that they would never tell Emily the truth about what had happened, or what Ducky was going to do.

    As Chief Davis' last official act as Chief, he promoted Ducky to Corporal. And as Corporal, Ducky has continued to try and lead by example with cadets. Continuing to work side by side with Emily while the two continue to repair and rebuild their relationship. The two have, on more frequent occasions, been seen spending time off duty together and going on dates again.


    • Promoting Ducky to Corporal was Chief Brandon Davis' last official promotion as Chief.
    • Ducky will never take his skull bracelet off, for any reason, under any circumstances.
    • People Ducky has trained are often referred to as 'Ducklings' - but not by Ducky.
    • Fuck with the Duck and you're gonna get quacked!
    • I am vengeance.
    • mhm.