Ashley Vauxhall

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  • Ashley Vauxhall

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5' 9"
    • Birthdate:
      September 24, 1998
    • Birthplace:
      Vancouver, Canada
    • Nationality:
      Canadian American
    • Aliases:


    • Marital Status:
      Married to Norah Vauxhall
      Married to Ajay Vauxhall
    • Relatives:

      Biological Parents- Carol Harolds and Roger Harolds
      Brother from another mother- Leon Kingston
      Biological Brother- Sam Harolds


    • Occupation:

      • Budtender at Beaver Kush
      • Model for Sally's (on books job title is Milf Queen)
    • Faction Affilations:


    Played by BewitchingLia

    Ashley stands at 5’9, most of her height being in her torso. To make herself feel less like a log on legs she is constantly wearing heels of some sort unless she is doing dumpster diving for recyclables. She has a large heart that is filled with love for the planet, the people in her life, and her job(s). One of her most enjoyable things to do is bake and ride her motorcycle. When not being a lovesick puppy around her partners she is a hard rock to break. She has words like daggers or flowers, depending on the situation. She is said to be able to mimic some interesting accents, especially her wife’s and boyfriend's. Ashley loved being a stripper due to it making her feel free and like air but also warm like hot cocoa. Ashley has dark brown eyes, and her natural hair color is brown, but her hair nowadays is never her natural color. Conversations are never dull with Ashley and far from easy to keep up with unless you know the previous stories she has told.


    Born September 24, 1998. Ashley was born to Carol and Roger Harolds, both successful office workers who took to a life of Black-Market art dealing when Ashley turned 13. Ashley has an older brother named Sam who left the family when he heard about his parents’ ill dealings. Ashley has little contact with him but does have contact with her surrogate brother Leon Kingston. She has looked up to him since she was a little girl. When Ashley went off to college she had no choice over her degree, she was forced to be and Art History major to assist her parents with their illegal activities. When she turned 22 she left home and moved to her own place. She was still a part of her family until she came out as pansexual to her mother over the phone. She was disowned and it gave her a sense of freedom. After Ashley settled down, she began working as a stripper at a local club, in her free time she went to the local aquarium. That is where she met her future wife, Norah Vauxhall. The began dating after meeting at the aquarium. A few days turned into a week then Norah proposed on the beach with a shiny seashell. They were engaged for 6 months then got married on the same beach. Ashley moved to Los Santos before her wife.

    While Ash was away helping her wife pack to move to Los Santos, Ashley lost her financial assets in the city. Luckily everything now is going just as Ash hoped, a perfect life for her and her family.

    Big Events recently:

    August-September 2023
    - Ash dissolved the adoption from Roscoe Waters before being hired on at PD
    - Ash divorced Amelia over irrevocable issues from Amelia's side
    September 25, 2023
    -Got engaged to Darren O'Connor
    November 23rd 2023
    -Engagement broke off with Darren
    December 6th 2023
    -Started dating Noah Banks started out secret and then was public on the 9th
    February 26th 2024
    -Ash starts dating Jax Walker, her relationship with Noah Banks ended back in late December after the holidays.
    Late March 2024 - April 2024
    -Relationship with Jax ends off and on, fully broken up in early April
    April 30th, 2024
    -Ashley starts dating Ajay Steel and couldn't be happier
    June 6th, 2024
    -Reggie Casadei adopts Ash into his large family
    June 8th, 2024
    -Ash pays for the house she had bid on after closing on it on the 5th
    August 2nd, 2024
    -Ash starts the process of removing her ties to the Casadei name
    August 3rd, 2024
    -Ajay proposes to Ash at the same place they had their first date
    November 16th 2024
    Ashley and Ajay get married


    • She is polyamorous
    • She has two bunnies named Monty and Sylvie
    • Also has two guinea pigs M&M and Skittles
    • Her fashion sense changes wildly but she always wears heels in the end
    • "Yep yep yep!"
    • "Mc'scuse me?"



    Art by Sally
