Bartholomew Thompson

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  • Bartholomew "Junior" Thompson

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      July 9th 1999
    • Birthplace:
      Cleveland Ohio
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Junior, Bart,


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Professional criminal
    • Faction Affilations:



    Bartholomew Thompson was born on July 9th 1999 in Cleveland Ohio. His Parents Guss and Sarah Thompson were very protective of him, even at a young age. Bartholomew throughout Grade School was tormented by his fellow students due to his red hair. This bullying ranged from simple names, to actually physically hurting Bartholomew to the point to where his parents started to see bruises and welts all over his body. Through all of this torment and hatred that would be thrown at him day in and day out, he found peace in music.

    His parents starting taking him to voice lessons starting during his freshman year in High School. His voice teacher found out quickly that his voice had the ability and almost want to sing opera, and so the teacher lead him down the path of opera singing. He became extremely good at very fast pace and was on track to become a professional Opera singer directly out of high school. He landed his first professional job two years after graduating and loved every moment.

    One evening after a late rehearsal at the opera house, he was heading out since he had to be back in the morning and was very excited to get some rest. When exiting through the stage door, 4 men in all black jumped him, took everything that was on him and them slammed him head first into the wall of the building. When he was found by colleague he was seizing and flailing around on the ground. In the hospital, It was found that Bartholomew's brain smacked the front of his skull causing permanent damage, but uncertain side effects. With Bartholomew needing constant attention from his parents during his recovery process, his mother, Sarah become more and more irate and developed an abusive personality towards His father and himself. This abuse ranged from little bickers to full out physical abuse. Bartholomew and his father would try to call Law Enforcement time and time again, but Sarah found ways to always talk herself out of the situation and make Guss and Bart to blame. Eventually the abuse become too much for the two of them to handle, so they took matters into their own hands. They murdered Sarah Thompson in her sleep and burned the body and any evidence that could trace back to them. Once they were confident that nothing was left behind, they decided it would be best to go their separate ways and try to start new life's for themselves.

    Bartholomew starting noticing his memory was leaving him in the most random places. So to deal with this, Bartholomew started carrying a small little notebook that he will write down Major Events that he feels he needs to remember. This would include people's names, numbers, personal events and really anything he feels is important enough to note. Another side effect that happened due to the incident is slowly overtime Bartholomew developed a lisp that he never had before. He feels that this lisp makes people view him differently and truly feels like he is just a big joke to everyone. He become very self conscious and swore to never sing again due to the fear of making a fool of himself.

    A proud hacker, who also sells cars on the side. Junior is a happy go lucky person who always sees people in a positive light. He can be found most of the time driving around in the city or working as a car salesmen.
