Bella Cooper

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  • Bella Layla Cooper

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
      5'2" - 126 lbs
    • Birthdate:
      November 29, 2000 - 23 years old
    • Birthplace:
      Salt Lake City, Utah
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      ✦ Bella
      ✦ Ella
      ✦ Coop
      ✦ Cooper
      ✦ Layla


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:
      Blood Family:
      ✦ Daughter (Alive) - Freya Cooper
      ✦ Father (Alive) - Darius Cooper
      ✦ Mother (Alive)) - Jannette Cooper
      ✦ Brother (Alive) - Samuel Cooper
      ✦ Sister (Alive) - Zerephine Cooper
      ✦ Sister (Alive) - Cestie Cooper

      In-Laws and Their Children:
      ✦ Sister-In-Law (Alive) - Jordie Manuel-Cooper
      ✦ Nephew (Alive) - Trey Cooper


    • Occupation:
      ✧ Baltimore, Maryland - Hospital Nurse
      ✧ Vice City, Miami - Hospital Nurse
      ✧ Vice City, Miami - Hospital Supervisor
      ✧ Vice City, Miami - Underground Hospital Manager
      Department of Commerce and Labor, Los Santos - Trainee

    • Faction Affilations:
      ✧ Baltimore, Maryland The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
      ✧ Vice City, Miami Hospital
      Department of Commerce and Labor



    Bella is a short blonde-haired female, she has slightly natural red lips, a reddish color running over her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose. She has light green hazel-colored eyes, the outer ring of her eyes would be dark green, light green eyes, and a hazel inner ring. She had pale light skin with slightly long eyelashes with golden round-rimmed glasses. She has a small half-moon tattoo on her wrist with a blueish, purple, and pink color. She has both her ears pierced. She is a protective, loyal person. She is a lover type and when she falls in love with someone it isn't easy nor does she give them half her heart, she gives them her whole heart and she loves wholeheartedly. She is a very hardworking person and will always do her best to make sure that her family is supported. She is a very caring person and cares for everyone and everything even if they are bad people, she sees the good in people even when others/the person don't or are unable to see the good left in them. She knows a lot about medicine due to her schooling and if someone needs help she will do everything in her power to try and help with what she has around her. She will always help people even if that person harmed her or threatened to harm her, she prioritizes others over herself.


    Bella Cooper was born on November 29, 2000, to Mr. Darious Cooper and Mrs. Jannette Cooper, she was the youngest of four children, and she was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her parents were from a normal lifestyle even though her parents have relatively good-paying jobs, with her mother being a doctor and her father being a lawyer. Bella was the youngest sister to Cestie, Zerephine, and Samuel. All of the children grew up in a normal lifestyle due to their parents not wanting them to grow up spoiled and not learn to work for themselves. Unfortunately, that didn’t end the way they wanted. Samuel became reliant on the money his parents gave him as an allowance in order to survive to show off to his friends and the many girls he flirted with. Cestie became addicted to the money used to buy drugs and alcohol, she eventually ended up landing herself in jail for the continuous issues she would cause. Zerephine was a calm demeanor child and decided to follow in the footsteps of her father in becoming a lawyer but instead decided to exceed past a lawyer and became a judge.

    Bella grew up like the usual youngest child, getting most of the attention from her parents but she would continuously remind her parents that she isn’t their only child so that her siblings wouldn’t despise her for getting all the attention. She was always the good, kind, caring, protective, and loyal sibling so she would always try her best to help out others throughout her time in school. Bella was quiet at first when she was younger but eventually grew out of her shell and became one of the class's most liked students, She was always helping out her classmates or the teachers if they needed it sometimes she would even go help the janitors in getting everything cleaned up. Most people had respect for Bella and liked her but there were a few who would use her kindness to their advantage, she would continue to treat them with kindness and respect even after they used her niceness to their advantage but that caused a bit of darkness to corrupt her sweet little heart.

    When Bella was in high school she ended up being at the top of her class and started to peak some interest in the work her mother did and what the school nurse did. Bella fell in love with one of her chemistry classmates, they went out after some time of dancing around the bush before deciding after a year that they were better off as friends and mutually ended their relationship. From then on, Bella swore she wouldn’t date anyone again while she was still in school to focus on her studies and continue to try and advance her knowledge of medicine. From time to time she would assist the school nurse in attending to students' wounds and would have conversations with Ms. Thorne about the work she did. Bella had a free period so she left school early and went to the hospital where her mother worked and was given a visitors tag, she started to discuss with her mother that she wanted to follow in her footsteps and what she would need to start doing. After a long discussion with her mother, Bella now 18 was to graduate that year and needed to think about colleges to apply to so she started to apply for colleges - one of them being the college her mother studied at.

    Bella would occasionally come to work with her mother and volunteer at the hospital to get first-hand experience and learn from her mother’s colleagues. One day, on her way back home from volunteering she stopped by the post office to get the mail for the family. She saw two letters from two of the colleges she applied to, Harvard Medical School and The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Bella filled with excitement grabbed all the mail not bothering to read any before heading home to show her parents and her siblings. At this point her siblings have all moved aside from Cestie, she texted the family group chats asking if everyone could come to the lounge as she wished to speak to them all. Her parents informed her they were on the way home and would be there shortly, her sister, Zerephine, texted saying she was unable to make it as she was in New York helping one of the partners for the law firm she is a part of with a client but she could facetime if they really needed her. Samuel texted saying he was with his wife, Jordie but would bring her with him and would drop by for a little since they had news to inform the family too.

    Bella waited for an hour for her family to finally get there. Bella seemed more happily and was over spirited, Bella quickly face-timed her sister before setting up the phone. As everyone said hello to each other, Bella pulled out from her back two envelopes both with the school insignias and signatures on the front. Bella informed her families she got two letters from the many schools she applied to and wanted to open them with her parents and siblings, Bella opened the letter from Harvard Medical School and began reading it. While reading her face lit up as she read that she had just been accepted into Harvard Medical School if she still wished to attend, her family cheered her on even her high sister Cestie was happy for Bella. She smiled as she set the letter down and opened up the letter from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, she started to read the letter to her parents which was a bit longer than Harvard’s which started to scare Bella a bit. Until she got to the end where she read that The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine also accepted her and offered her a position within the school if she wished to attend. All her family went wild as they heard the news, her mother was thrilled to hear that The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine accepted her daughter, everyone looked at her and asked if she knew which one she wanted to attend.

    Bella didn’t know how to answer as she wanted to attend both but it would be nice to attend The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine due to her mother being a graduate there and being one of the tops of her class as well. Bella told her family she was unsure and would need to think about it over the next two days, everyone smiled and hugged her while Zerephine wished her well. After everyone calmed down Samuel stood up and informed everyone that Jordie is pregnant and that they’d be having their first baby. Everyone was ecstatic to hear that there would be a baby, with the siblings being aunties and the parents being grandparents. Bella was excited to hear that she would be an aunt to a little one, she smiled as she hugged her brother then gave her sister-in-law a kiss on the cheek and congratulated them both. She was happy to see that her brother grew up eventually and wasn’t just continuously living off their parent's money, she knew the moment that Samuel got a job at a school he would do well with the kids seeing as he always did well-taking care of all of them when their parents were busy.

    Bella over the next couple of days decided on The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and wrote them back to inform them that she appreciated their offer and would gladly take it along with writing to Harvard Medical School informing them she appreciated the offer but would be declining it as she found herself accept another offer at another school. Bella eventually moved into an apartment nearby the campus so she could have her own place while she went to school, she began to take her courses to become a nurse while on the side she took a few extra courses to help her with filing in case she decided that nursing wasn’t her forte and wanted to work as a Medical Administrative Assistant. While there she worked at the nearby hospital as a full-time nurse in training, overtime she eventually graduated and all of her family was there. Samuel, his wife Jordie, and their son Trey, her sister Cestie who was now in rehab to try and break her drug addiction, her sister Zerephine along with her boyfriend Asher, and her parents.

    She moved to Vice City and started to work as a full-time nurse when the offer was given to her for being the top of her class. She accepted and started to work as a nurse within the Vice City Hospital. Everyone within the hospital whether they be patients, visitors, colleagues, or supervisors adored Bella for how nice, caring, loyal, hardworking, compassionate, and protective she was when it came to her work. She was quite known for being one of the best nurses in the city, whenever she was off-duty she would get asked out or asked to help attend to people’s injuries who didn’t want to go to the hospital. She knew ways around getting in trouble and due to her experience and knowledge about medicine, most of the gangs within the city would personally request for her to come to assist them if they had an injured member and didn’t want to go to the hospital. She eventually started her own little underground hospital to assist people who were scared of hospitals, people who were too poor for hospitals, for people who didn’t want to go to a hospital for fear of being found by other people or by cops.

    Bella was quite known within both the legal and illegal world, the cops knew she was the best nurse so quite a few times she would get asked out by some of them. One night one of the newer cops followed her home while they were drunk and wouldn’t stop hassling her about going out, she eventually agreed scared that he would harm her if she didn’t agree, and due to her kindness, she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. They dated for a few months, and most people thought they were a great couple but no one knew the trouble and hell that Bella had to endure when it was just them. There were times she would end up with bruises or cuts due to him being either drunk, accusing her of a cheat, or having arguments that would start. Bella would always be able to come up with excuses or used makeup to cover up the injuries so no one would get involved or ask.

    Bella eventually got tired of it and went to the supervisor and reported everything that she had been through during their relationship and showed the supervisor all the photos and recordings. This ended in the officer being suspended and eventually fired after an investigation went into the accusations and they found all of them to be true. Bella filed a restraining order and continued about her life at the hospital and at the underground hospital. While walking to the nearby grocery store, Bella heard groaning from an alley which made her interest peak along with concern starting to peak. Bella wandered into the alley to find a man on the ground in a pool of blood, he seemed to have multiple gunshot wounds and stab wounds. Bella quickly took off her jacket, tied up her blonde hair into a messy bun, and got down on the ground not caring that her outfit was getting bloody, she placed the jacket around his body. She saw the vest on his chest before her eyes widened as she knew this wasn’t going to be a normal case where she could call the medical. She called one of the other nurses that worked with her in the underground hospital to come to help her and to bring supplies and a car.

    Bella took out the small supplies she had in her bag and tried her best to attend to his wounds, she waited for her friend while doing her best to keep the person awake. Once her friend, Gloria Keern, got to the location she quickly helped move the man into the backseat of the vehicle and started to drive to the underground hospital. Bella stayed in the back and took out the medical supplies, she applied gauze and tape for the time being to keep him stable while moving her hand to his wrist to feel his pulse. They finally arrived at the hospital, Bella had one of the guards help move him to the surgery room where Bella quickly grabbed gloves and a gown. Once he was on the table and she was ready for surgery, she took off his vest and cut away his shirt before starting to begin surgery on the man. It took a while to stabilize him with a few close calls where it seemed like he would start to flatline, Bella sighed as she finally got him stabilized and removed all the bullets, and fix him up the best she could. Bella gently grabbed the vest as she looked at it having been riddled with bullets before undoing her messy bun and letting her hair fall free, she informed the others she would be taking him back home so that she could continue to monitor his vitals and status.

    Everyone agreed with her decision and helped move him to the backseat of Bella’s car before Bella started to drive home with him laying in the backseat and his vest resting on the floor of the car next to him. She eventually got home with the injured man before carefully helping move him inside the house and moving him to the guest bedroom, she carefully set him up with the monitors and made sure he was still stable from the move. She rechecked all his bandages before leaving him to rest, she took out his vest and looks at it again before looking at him and leaving his vest on the chair in his room. Bella over the next few weeks helped nurse him back to health and over time it became apparent to Bella that she was slowly growing fond of the man not knowing much about him but knowing his name was, Liam Castle. After he was fully recovered they ended up sleeping with each other a few times one day when Bella woke up Liam was gone just as quickly as he came into her life, she was confused as if everything that he had was gone as if he didn’t exist. Bella grew sad about the loss of the one person that she actually liked and genuinely thought she met a man who wasn’t cruel and abusive.

    Bella slowly continued on with her life, a month later she realized that she was pregnant and it threw her for a loop thinking she was on birth control when they slept with each other but found out she wasn’t. Bella took a step back from her full-time position as a nurse and took on a part-time nurse position along with a full-time medical administrative assistant to keep as relaxed and calm as she could with the baby. Bella was unsure if she was right to have a child, she informed her family, and her parents were very understanding as they had Samuel when Darius was 18 and Jannette was 17 and were unsure if they should keep the baby or not. After some time, she decided to keep the baby and try to take care of herself and the baby being a single mother. 8 months later, she gave birth to a baby girl which Bella decided to name Freya.

    Bella over the next two years got into one more relationship which was again another abusive relationship this one was named Felix Graft and she eventually called off the relationship scared that they would try to harm little Freya. After breaking up with Felix, Bella took all her money and flew to San Andreas with Freya who was now 2 years old to get away from Felix.


    ✦ Bella is the youngest of 4 siblings, her brother is 27 while her sisters are 25 and 23.
    ✦ Bella has a daughter who is named Freya and is currently 2 years of age.
    Bella's Journal
    ✦ Bella has a tattoo on her wrist that is a half-crescent moon with a blue-to-purple-to-pink color mix.

    ✦ Favorite Season: Fall
    ✦ Favorite Weather: Rainy and Snowy
    ✦ Favorite Colors: Pastel colors are her favorite colors but she also likes any and all colors
    ✦ Favorite Animal: Kitten and puppies
    ✦ Favorite Flower: Lilac



    The artwork was done by: Deviantart Artist - Buska223