Bexley Bunny

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  • Bexley (Bunker) Bunny

    • Status:
      Having fun
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
    • Birthplace:
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Bunker, Bex


    • Marital Status:
    • Relatives:


    • Occupation:
      Hotdog sales, model, artist
    • Faction Affilations:



    Bexley Bunny was born deep down in a bunker. Her and another family retreated to in the later 1940’s. Her mother died in childbirth, because there was little to no medicine, and even less medical training. She heard tales about her father when she grew up, but he was never seen again after leaving the bunker to check the quality of life on the surface. Her grandfather thought that the bombs surely took him. Bexley and her grandpa were in charge of raising and butchering bunnies so they could have the much needed protein to survive underground.

    An illness broke out which killed several of the other members of the bunker and a few people left the bunker hoping to find that the the surface was habitable. They also did not return which left only her and her Grandpa. Eight years past with them living on the failing garden and bunnies that Bexley was raising. Bexley woke to find that her Grandpa passed away. Probably a heart attack, but Bunny wasn’t sure. She didn’t know much about medicine but she did know she had to get rid of the body, at least. She buried him in the garden to help fertilize the plants. Then it was just her and the rabbits. She couldn’t eat them anymore, her grandfather was the one who did the butchering. The bunnies became her only friends since everyone else was gone. She gave them all names and you don’t eat your friends. This meant that the rations took an extra hit. She was also not good at farming so the crops eventually died off.

    She was pretty sure she was twenty five by now and not having food, she had to try and brave the apocalypse. She opened the door to the outside, and what greeted her was not a blasted nuclear waste land. It was a forest. There were birds chirping and wind blowing. Maybe life had adjusted and grown back? At first, she lived out of the bunker, coming and going and living as best she could off the land (which wasn’t very good). Then she started ranging further and further out, until she started seeing towns. That’s when she decided to leave the bunker and not look back.

    She set most of her bunny friends free and set to wandering. She stumbled through a town in South East Texas, they were having a Church dinner social. The food smelled so good, and Bunny edged closer and closer until somebody offered her a seat and some food. They talked a lot about some guy named Jesus, but Bunny didn’t care. She had food.

    She stuck around this town for a bit, eating at the soup kitchen everyday and she attended the weekly socials. That’s where she met Minerva. She was a kind older lady, who would send extra food with Bunny when they parted. She became Bunny’s best and only human friend. She even tried to give Bunny some work on the farm, but Minerva’s Husband was a mean scary old man who said not-nice things to Minerva and Bunny. So Bunny would spend time with Minerva off the farm.

    Things got… complicated between the two. They spent many late nights together, often just sitting and talking. Bunny talked to Minerva about how her husband treated her. She was far from an expert on how relationships should go, but she knew that you were supposed to make each other happy and not miserable. The way her and Minerva were happy to be around each other. That’s when they came up with a plan.

    Bunny is probably the only person that really knows the hand Minerva had in the death of her husband, and this put a massive strain on their relationship as Minerva began to have many doubts on if she had done the right thing or not.

    With her husband gone, Bunny decided to come by the farm one day after quite of a bit of not hearing from Minerva. The farm had been sold, but a letter was left for her. It explained that she was sorry for not saying goodbye, but the farm failed and she had to move to Los Santos with her family. Bunny took that as an invitation and immediately started traveling to find her friend.
