Brianna McKnight

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  • Brianna McKnight

    • Status:
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    • Marital Status:
      In a Relationship with Paul Porter (Ranger)
    • Relatives:
      Mark McKnight -Dad (deceased)
      Sherrie McKnight-Mother (deceased)



    Brianna is an average height for a female she is 5’5” and she is very active she tries to run every day her natural hair color is brown she has tattoos that tell things that happened to her in the past. She wears glasses but also has contacts that she only wears on special occasions.


    Both of her parents have passed away her mom Sherri passed away when she was 6 from a car accident with a drunk driver and her father Mark passes away right after she graduated high school from Cancer she then moved with her ex-boyfriend Jacob Smith and from their her life went into a downward spiral Jacob physically abused her every day and nearly killed her he is now facing a life sentence with the chance of parole and Brie has always worried he would one day get out and come find her.

    She married Dr Lorren Anders (2/12/22) after two failed relationships she has recently gotten a divorce from Anders. She has people she is very close with, Serena Mikaelson who she considers her wife unfortunately Serena passed away and Brie has never fully grieved the loss of her and its very tough for Brie to get close with many after losing Serena and Brie visits Serena grave whenever she is struggling the most. She also has McKenzie Lupei who she also called wife. And Justin Cooke who she considers as a brother and can tell Cooke anything. She also worked for the Department of Human Services she has since retired from DHS. She currently is dating Ranger Paul Porter who she sees a future with him and has helped her though being torched and has helped her strive to be her best self.


    • Brie is terrified of Flowers.
    • “I love being right about things”- Brie.
    • “Don’t make me pull out my bat” -Brie
    • “Listen Linda Listen” -Brie