Brittany Stark

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  • Brittany Gisele Brown

    • Status:
    • Gender:
    • Pronouns:
    • Height:
    • Birthdate:
      August 1st 1995
    • Birthplace:
      Los Angeles, CA
    • Nationality:
    • Aliases:
      Brit, Pickles






    -During her senior year, Brit was in a cheerleading competition. A bad fall resulted in her landing on her head, and she was placed in an artificial coma in the hospital for 10 days while the brain swelling caused by her traumatic brain injury came down. When she woke up, she had developed a distinctive french canadian accent (known as Foreign Accent Syndrome), which she still has to this day. She took French in college as more of a joke, as she figured she might as well learn the language if she had the accent, and is now fluent in french.

    -Brit has a bachelors of fine arts degree and specialized in sculpture. She owns an absurd amount of sketch books filled with drawings, paintings and sketches. Art is how she unwinds and tends to express herself.

    -She is also a fan of scrapbooking. Her memory post-TBI has not been the best, and she likes to journal special events and significant moments of her life in picture format.

    -Her favorite colors are anything pastel.

    -Jimmy, her long time partner and then fiancé, was a shady character who had ties to the criminal underworld, mainly the mafia. He was killed in what was determined to be a "freak accident" a couple of weeks after nearly killing Brittany in one of his many fits of rage. To this day, Brit has a suspicion that it was not really an accident that killed him, and that he was in fact murdered.

    -She lived in Maine and New York for 2 years before moving to San Andreas, where she herself got into some shadier business on top of a very lucrative, legitimate job. She decided to give that life up and move to San Andreas to be closer to her sister, Karly.

    -Absolutely LOVES pickles in all their forms, hence her road name.

    -Brittanys journal and memories.